Help!!! Lethargic Light Brahma Chick!!!


Free Ranging
Jul 24, 2018
In the coop, Northern CA
Hello I’m not sure if I should post this here or on the baby chick forum but here it goes.

Yesterday, March 19th, we got 3 baby chicks, a black sex Link, a red sex link, and a Light Brahma. The sex links have not bullied the Brahma or anything. But from the start the Brahma has been very lethargic. She just sleeps, doesn’t really eat, to get her to drink I dipped her beak. Even when the feed store man was grabbing her she didn’t run away or anything like the other chicks.

Yesterday, we kind of accepted she would kick the bucket over night and if she didn’t, we would do everything we can to help her. So now I’m looking for advice on how to help her.

I’ve put Molasses in the water and dipped her beak multiple times to get her as much water as possible.

The other chicks are being very good, at night they were all cuddled up around her and they haven’t pecked her once.

So I would like to get everyone’s opinions on what to do? My 10 year old brother is very attached to her so anything’s better than nothing.
Your Brahma chick is likely failure-to-thrive. That means it has underdeveloped organs and isn't processing calories very well. It will fall behind quickly unless it gets special nutrients and feeding. Poultry Nutri-drench was made for a chick like yours. It has a formula that by-passes the liver and other organs and is metabolized instantly.

I feed crumbled tofu and finely minced boiled egg, both white and yolk. You might want to stop adding the molasses to the water, though. It can cause diarrhea.
Have you checked for a pasty butt (stuck on fecal material on the vent)? Is the chick pooping? Do you have any form of electrolytes that you could get it to drink? Many times a weak chick has been having problems earlier when we notice them, and it may be too late to save it.
Your Brahma chick is likely failure-to-thrive. That means it has underdeveloped organs and isn't processing calories very well. It will fall behind quickly unless it gets special nutrients and feeding. Poultry Nutri-drench was made for a chick like yours. It has a formula that by-passes the liver and other organs and is metabolized instantly.

I feed crumbled tofu and finely minced boiled egg, both white and yolk. You might want to stop adding the molasses to the water, though. It can cause diarrhea.

Thank you. I just put a little bit, 1/2 teaspoon in 1.5 quarts. I’ll see if we can get the Nutri Drench.
Your Brahma chick is likely failure-to-thrive. That means it has underdeveloped organs and isn't processing calories very well. It will fall behind quickly unless it gets special nutrients and feeding. Poultry Nutri-drench was made for a chick like yours. It has a formula that by-passes the liver and other organs and is metabolized instantly.

I feed crumbled tofu and finely minced boiled egg, both white and yolk. You might want to stop adding the molasses to the water, though. It can cause diarrhea.

Nutru drench isn’t available at our local TSC. Would scrambled eggs help?
She just kind of lays there like that.

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