Help me... figure this chicken death thing out


Apr 17, 2018
Tucson, AZ
Last year in feb we purchased 4 3 week old chickens from a feed store that is fairly reputable. Within 2 weeks one passed away. Possibly something respiratory, but not sure.

In the spring I got 7 day Old chicks from a different hatchery, they had their own space and we slowly integrated them over the course of 10 weeks.

Then over the summer we lost the second bird from that group. She was fine, then she wasn’t able to walk... we actually culled her after a day of trying to nurse her back. We cleaned and disinfected the coop and put all new sand and water etc... a month or so later the first one from my second flock stopped walking.... we segregated, I researched.... nothing definitive... culled.

Fast forward we just added another flock of 10 in a slow integration... and I have lost 7 (2 from 1st flock, 4 from second and 1 from 3rd), birds total to different but similar presenting symptoms. We have done different feeds, we introduced more nutrients like bean sprouts, and extra veggies and stuff. We give fresh water and chicken feed and oyster shell.

We clean their water and they have a huge chicken yard that I rake and try to keep clean (I put their dropping’s and extra hay n stuff in a pile pre-compost)

I have a lot of chickens now, but what am I doing wrong that I keep losing birds? Maybe it’s more common than I think?

Short of a necrotopsy I’m guessing there’s nothing we can find out... I don’t think....

Reassurance and support would be greatly appreciated... we love our chickens and we spoil them because they spoil us.
I am so sorry this is happening. :hugs

I strongly suggest submitting the next bird that passes with similar symptoms for a necropsy. Contact the lab ahead of time and get information on what they require as far as preservation. If you have to have it submitted through a vet find out who you will need to take it to.

I keep a cheap styrofoam cooler large enough to hold a chicken if it's completely stretched out. A printed copy of the lab form is sitting in the cooler as well. I have the hatch date and any other history noted on the back of the sheet.

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