Help me idetify this please! People into Anatomy Needed!

hahahahha,,,,,, you guys,,, lol,,,,,, pelvic bone

its the skull of a razorback pig.
Lol, I pop stuff like that out at random too, just like the messed up soda machine at church. You push a sprite and you get a Dr. Pepper
Are you kidding? That thing is a *pelvic bone*. You can clearly see the vertebrae. You don't find those on any kind of skull. I'm going to say this one more time, then I'm going to leave it alone:

That is a pelvic bone.
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If it were a piglet skull, it would be in more pieces. I vote pelvis. Those definitely look like vertebrae.
ETA: I say it would be in more pieces because that's how mammals are born, with lots of pieces of bone that later fuse. I don't know how long it takes a pig skull to fuse, but I've seen human skulls from people in their thirties that weren't entirely fused yet.
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