HELP!! Molting chicken, but green snot coming out her nose and she won't open her eyes now!


8 Years
Mar 5, 2011
I thought my chicken was molting and that's why she was so tired and just slept all the time. Today, after I realized she was still in the same spot she was yesterday morning, I picked her up. She is covered in mites. So I dusted her thoroughly with de, and when I dusted her, I saw clear and green stringy snot coming out her nose/beak. Her poop is also green/musturdy. She is losing all her feathers and new ones are coming in. Does anyone have any ideas for me? Is this normal? Does she have another disease? I am not out there a lot during the day so I don't know if she is eating and drinking, but this doesn't seem right to me even for a molt.

Update: She now won't open her eyes or move at all. Her breathing is very shallow, she weighs nothing at all, and has no fat on her. She is wrapped up in the bottom of the coop in a towel and I got water down her and yogurt, but I don't think she is going to live.
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no this is not normal...there is a post from today that has a thread to a disease search..... I don't know what this is but you may find it on there..... DE will not get rid of mites. you may need to use something stronger....Ivermecton pour on,,,,, sevens, .... might want to give them a flea dip to start with????
Hmm. Ok. I will look into something. I don't use anything that's not organic or natural on my chickens, so Ivermectin and Sevin are out for me. Also I don't want to withhold eggs, as I would have to do if I used Ivermectin on my flock.
So I gave her a bath like described on here to kill the lice and got some yogurt and water down her, but she doesn't open her eyes. She just lays there. She did struggle a few times while having a bath, so she has some strength. Her nose is all stuffed up and it looks like she is breathing thru her mouth. I'm at a loss?? I know she is molting because of her feathers growing back in, but what else is going on??
So I gave her a bath like described on here to kill the lice and got some yogurt and water down her, but she doesn't open her eyes. She just lays there. She did struggle a few times while having a bath, so she has some strength. Her nose is all stuffed up and it looks like she is breathing thru her mouth. I'm at a loss?? I know she is molting because of her feathers growing back in, but what else is going on??
there is no egg with draw from Ivermech it is used on humans. however if you have runny nose, that may be some kind of infection.... some of them are fatal and I have no experience with that, maybe dawg53 will know. re do your post and put runny nose, or green may get better response??? sorry I can't help....there are some herbs you can put in the coop you will want to clean it out GOOD if you have mites.... can make a spray for coop(NOT chicken) from alcohol and white pin-needles. fill jar with white pine needles then top off with alcohol let sit in sun for 3 weeks spray coop and they have a good dust bath? you want some sand,DE,wood ash, some even use cinnamon with it..chickens need to dust bath to keep mites away... but first you need to get rid of them

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