Help!! More photos roo limping badly


7 Years
My rooster is still in bad shape. Photos are below, what does this look like???
closeup left.jpg Bottom Left.jpg sidebyside.jpg Standing 1.jpg Bottom Left.jpg


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Hi all - my black giant rooster started holding his left foot up yesterday and today he's limping and just sitting down, obviously in pain. I just took the photos after putting Neosporin on the redness so it's shiny.
Both legs are the same temperature
His joints move normally
I can't see a cut anywhere
It's definitely aggravated redness - it looks like the other foot is getting red too but I might be overreacting
My helper was a vet tech who keeps parrots but this isn't her territory. She sure knew how to separate the toes and what to check out but she doesn't know this one.
Does anybody recognize this? And what's the treatment? Thank you!!
I'll also pull the "symptoms" that you listed on your other thread so we don't have to ask for so much more information.

It's hard to see the bottom of the feet, I do see what looks like a small nick on the middle toe, is there a cut on the side and possibly a scab too?

He does have a little bit of raised scales as well, that could account for SLM, but not severe enough to cause limping.
He may have injured the foot since you mention that he is in pain. If he is agreeable, then restrict his activity for a few days to see if it improves, but re-check the bottoms of the feet and toes very well, take a flashlight and look for cuts, nicks, scabs, etc.
To help soothe the legs, you can give them a soak in warm epsom salts bath. Dry well, then slather a little oil or vaseline on the legs, working that under the scales.

I'm not really a fan for pain killers, I think pain restricts movement and limits further injury, but if you do feel he needs something, you can give him 1 baby aspirin (81mg) daily.

Other than the foot/limping, is he eating/drinking o.k.?
Beautiful fella!

They do look a bit red, but I’m not sure what causes that. I am assuming he is fairly young, looking at the small spurs?

What type of ground does he normally walk on? (Dirt run, grass, shavings, straw, etc?) Could he have stepped on something sharp? Fought with another bird and been injured?

Sorry, maybe with lots of questions and answers, we can pin something down.
Red skin in between toes can be normal coloring in a young fertile rooster with certain color legs and feet. Do his legs appear swollen? The black material on his right footpad —does it wash off or is that his skin? Wyorp’s eagle eyes picked up a couple of possible cuts on the right foot as well, so the soaking of his feet and legs might be good, and you can see if the black footpad changes color. What do you use for bedding? Has it been muddy or damp in his coop and run? Footpad dermatitis in wet conditions can cause blackened spots on the footpads, leading to full blown bumblefoot. Soaking for his feet can be done in warm water for 20 minutes, and you can use Epsom salts, betadine, chlorhexidene, or Dawn in the water. Be sure to dry his feathers well if he gets wet. Rub the oil of choice into his scales where they appear loose.

Here is a good article about footpad dermatitis:

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