HELP....Mumma hen squashed 1st ever hatched chick


8 Years
Sep 27, 2011
Gold Coast QLD Australia
Can anyone tell me why the mumma hen ignored & squashed the 1st baby chick hatched ever???
She became broody about a month ago...shes been sitting on eggs way over 21 days, but the other
hens keep laying in that particular nest when she hops off to eat.

I candled the eggs & put all the viable ones back in the nest. Miss mumma has been sitting on them
& obviously one of them hatched but I didnt hear it. I found it squashed flat in the nest. How could the
mumma hen do that??? I thought they were very protective of the chicks?? Do you think mumma hen
knows how to care for the chicks?? Any suggestions on what to do??? Thanks guys....
You Could put the chicks in a brooder as she hatches all the others. Them when the hatching is finished give the chicks back to her.


You could mark the orginal eggs some how and take all the other ones laid by the other hens and put them in an incubator. If you have an incubator.
Thanks CalyleeMarie..... unfortunately I dont have an bator.....I dont have the room or money to increase the flock. :)
I will just have to check every morning & afternoon....there were definately NO pipping this morning. So I will check again this cracked shells etc either.
I will just have to be more vigilant...I have a brooder ready for the babies ^^
Wish me luck!!!

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