Help My Call Drake keeps getting his Penis attacked!

Hi Again

Thanks for the help

Looks like I will be taking him to a vets tomorrow or at least booking him an appointment tomorrow.

Is Neosporin a US product? Ive been trying to get hold of it everywhere here in UK but cannot and don't know a UK equivalent.

Anybody know the equivalent ?

He Penis looks to be turning black on the end.

Lauren from UK
I Was feeling sorry for him being all on his own all day and all night, so I let his favourite girl have a supervised visit to see him

He certainly cheered up for the 10 minutes they were reunited.

Actually when they saw each other they flew towards each other.

Don't worry She didn't go for his rear end, I made sure of that, but she didn't show an interest in that anyway as she was more bothered about gobbling up all his meal worms.

Just so you can put a face to him This is Donald (The black and White) with his Favourite girl Dotty

Lauren from UK


Hi guys I took him to see an avian vet this morning who looked at his penis then got a second opinion off another vet . They said his penis was past basic treatment and the option was an operation to remove part of his penis or euthanasia.
I am not insured for him as to be honest I never even thought I would need insurance for a duck but I have bitten the bullet and he is having the operation on Thursday morning UK time.

However I have been warned by the vet that waterfowl are not very good at anaesthesia and there is a high risk he might not make it through the operation.

Oh boy am I going to be an emotional crying wreck come Thursday morning knowing when I drop him off thay might be the last time I will see him. I really do hope not .

Lauren from the UK
Donald is soo cute! I'm glad you were able to get him to a vet & I'm sure that surgery is not going to be cheap by any means but that speaks volumes about how much you love him & what a good duck mama you are. I also feel good about the vet getting a second opinion and not just immediately telling you it was either surgery or euthanasia. I have also heard that anesthesia is hard on waterfowl, but I follow a duck rescue on social media and she has had to get a lot of ducks in for surgery when they've been in very bad, weak states and 99% of the time they come out of it just fine. There is, of course, always a risk but ducks are very hearty little animals with amazing abilities to heal and you're doing everything in your power to help Donald be healthy and well again. My ducks and I will be sending you lots of love & good vibes on Thursday morning. I know dropping Donald off for surgery will be extremely difficult, but just be strong and give him lots of love and try to stay positive! We are all behind you on this and rooting for an easy, successful surgery and a Donald that will be on the mend very soon! Please keep us updated :)
Hi me again

Just to update you after leaving the vets this morning a blubbering wreck. I got a phone call 2 hrs later to say donald was out of surgery! Yay! He survived . He's now home and what the vet described he is in critical care as in I have to keep his bedding clean and dry at all times which is hard considering he is a duck. He isn't allowed water to bathe in for 2 weeks only drinking water and no duck friends to visit him for at least two weeks either. Poor boy he's going to wonder what he has done wrong .

The vet told me he isn't out of the woods yet though he has to be able to urinate as due to the op there could be some swelling preventing him from doing so.

Back to vets on Saturday for post op check up. Today he had 5mm of his penis removed poor guy

Lauren from Uk

Oh, mercy, what to say????

I am glad he was able to get to the vet, to get through surgery, and that he has a committed caregiver.

It has been nerve-wracking. I was out of town during much of this - glad things are, we hope, improving from here on out.
aww yay!! So glad Donald made it through surgery and he's back at home with you. The next 2 weeks at least will be tough and a lot of work, I'm sure, but I have all the faith that you'll be able to keep him clean and dry and happy and healing. I'm so relieved that his surgery went well. Here's to hoping that everything is on the up & up from here on out and that he heals well and is feeling better every day! :)

Donald had his final check up on Friday


He has healed perfectly and very quickly as was allowed to go back swimming and with his friends 1 week earlier than predicted

Must admit giving him anti-inflammatory using a syringe was not easy task once he cottoned on to what the syringe did!

Glad my boy is better

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