HELP! My cats are leaving me NASTY treats!!!!!................


10 Years
Jan 5, 2010
Medina, TN (near Jackson)
Hey all!

Here's the problem..... My cats are GREAT mousers, they catch and kill most everything that comes creeping through the yard. (moles, mice, etc...) The problem is that they leave mouse heads and guts RIGHT AT OUR FRONT DOOR!!! It is a neverending struggle to keep the area cleaned up and it's really GROSS when you step on something when going out the door and you feel the little mouse head "crunch" under your feet. We don't want them to quit catching the mice, we just want them to eat them at the other end of the porch away from our front door!

Anybody have any suggestions??? Anybody want a couple of cats?? LOL

I would rather have the mice alive than have them crunch under my feet...........

Better than leaving the nasty treats I was thinking of!
I'd like to know the same Only mine like to bring them into the house and leave them on my livingroom floor (mice AND FROGS...ugh)...those stick to the wood floor when they leave them..ewwww
i have a whole bunch of cats here (as mousers) and sadly its what cats do....bring you treats! they are leaving them at the door for you as if to mum i got this one for you! or here mum lets share.

sadly i know of nothing that will make them stop bringing their kills 'home'

yesterday i came home to find our big tom Tigroux had caught and killed a large rabbit, dragged it in the house and torn it to pieces in the bathroom. what could i do...? he's just doing his job!

if you dont want them to 'catch' prey so easily try popping a small bell on their collar...the prey will here them coming and have time to get away.....but if you want 'mousers' sadly i know of no way to make cats drop their prey in a certain area
My dog dug up half the back yard and FINALLY caught the mole. Well, instead of eating it she proudly displayed it in the back porch doorway......I threw it out in the yard and a couple of days later it reappeared.

Because the dogs are fenced into the back porch where the door is, my cats generally bring me presents at the bottom of the deck steps or right next to my truck instead. Stepped on a bird once, barefooted, ripe from the summer heat

Yes, apparently in the animal world it is a BIG DEAL to bring your pride and joy to your mommy's front door. I guess it's not much different than people who hang antlers and deer heads on their wall, right??

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was misled by the title, I was gonna suggest a change of diet
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