Help! My hen has stopped drinking any water and has barely eaten for 3 weeks.

How old is she, and what is her breed? I don't like that her poop is so green-looking, either. I wonder if she isn't dealing with multiple issues at once.

EDIT; I reread and saw that she's 6 years old, and the last bird died of Mareks. Someone that I follow online says they had an EE develop ovarian cancer. She stopped eating and started passing watery, green poops in response to cancer. The poop from your birds looks super similar to this poop.

I have had birds with ovarian cancer. The droppings of one were similar, and developed bright green-yellow solids. Another had very little wet droppings that looked different. It is a possibility. I have also had birds with similar droppings with liver issues, which were either temporary from toxins (produced by fungus/bacteria in the digestive system in some cases) or a liver problem. I don't know enough to rule out any of these at this point, but if the yellow apparent urates actually include yellow solids, it could either be cancerous/infected egg material or pus from infection.
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How old is she, and what is her breed? I don't like that her poop is so green-looking, either. I wonder if she isn't dealing with multiple issues at once.

EDIT; I reread and saw that she's 6 years old, and the last bird died of Mareks. Someone that I follow online says they had an EE develop ovarian cancer. She stopped eating and started passing watery, green poops in response to cancer. The poop from your birds looks super similar to this poop.

Thanks - yes, I'd seen that, and it's certainly a possibility... just hoping it isn't! I suspect it's multiple issues, especially since I wasn't able to get on top of it right away!
I have had birds with ovarian cancer. The droppings of one were similar, and developed bright green-yellow solids. Another had very little wet droppings that looked different. It is a possibility. I have also had birds with similar droppings with liver issues, which were either temporary from toxins (produced by fungus/bacteria in the digestive system in some cases) or a liver problem. I don't know enough to rule out any of these at this point, but if the yellow apparent urates actually include yellow solids, it could either be cancerous egg material or pus from infection.
I haven't seen anything at all that appears to be egg material... but I did have a chicken that died from a fatty liver about 2 years, and after that, I cut way back on foods that contributed to that... The green fibrous stuff I think is the arugula or grass, but the green liquid has me concerned as I'd never seen that.
I have seen greenish liquid with green plant material in droppings, when they are grazing and drinking a lot, but yeah, cancer can give green-yellow droppings.
I haven't seen anything at all that appears to be egg material... but I did have a chicken that died from a fatty liver about 2 years, and after that, I cut way back on foods that contributed to that... The green fibrous stuff I think is the arugula or grass, but the green liquid has me concerned as I'd never seen that.
When I gave her the coconut oil and the bactrim I smelled a yeasty smell for the first time! I still haven't gotten the clear from anyone on the nystatin cream so I'm about to go buy some myconazole. That said, I have some Clotrimazole 10mg lozenges so maybe I could break one up and give her that.
It also strikes me that the first few days she previously had of Bactrim probably caused the candida overgrowth :(
The lozenges contain:

Thanks in advance!
Hi all!
So today I've given her:

- 2 doses of bactrim
- 1 pea-sized dose of equine Safeguard from my neighbor (25 gram paste 10% - she said 1/day for 3 days.)
- 3 pea+ sized pieces of coconut oil
- 1/4 of a miconazole suppository and I'll give one more tonight.

I gave her some water each time and took her outside to the garden, in a wet area and she was drinking water off of the leaves, which I'd hoped she'd do!

She has not eaten anything at all that I've offered her, but I've been a bit reluctant to feed her because her crop is so full. Even with the items above, I noticed her swallowing a lot afterwards, sort of like she'd had some reflux... and she's only pooped twice today (although maybe late afternoon in the garden.) But I'll try more babyfood tonight. I'm wondering what the best thing to feed her would be since I don't want to feed the candida, or is that not an issue since she's got the miconazole?

Any other thoughts, ideas? Not surprisingly, she has really slown down today... so I'm more worried about her...

Thanks in advance, I know answering everyone's pleas for help can be a full-time job, so I really appreciate it.
Hi Ursuline Chick!
Yes, she's our only chicken after Tracy and then Blondie died! Before them, there was one other chicken, Turken, and when she died she really went into mourning. So we went out and quickly got Tracy and Blondie... now, I'm just so afraid of Mareks... and wondering if Penny has something new chickens could contract.... but maybe I should get some anyway.... there is a neighbor that is moving away and is looking to place her chickens... I just would have to make sure they've been vaccinated.
@Weeg I re-read and I don't see anything regarding OP and ducks, just chickens. :confused:
- 1 pea-sized dose of equine Safeguard from my neighbor (25 gram paste 10% - she said 1/day for 3 days.)
- 3 pea+ sized pieces of coconut oil
- 1/4 of a miconazole suppository and I'll give one more tonight.

Here's the article again for treating the crop.
She's an adult hen, so give her 2 teaspoons coconut oil daily. That's in addition to the yeast medication.

Safeguard (Fenbendazole) is dosed by weight, not by peas. Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.

Hope she gets better soon.

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