HELP!!! My hens really bad off!!!

It could be water belly with the green poops and yellow urates which are from excess bile. Water belly can happen due to reproductive disorders, cancer, liver disease, and sometimes heart failure. Those are all common in hens. I hope the calcium helps, but she looks pretty weak. Have you tried giving some scrambled egg or wet feed? Usually they will take those even if feeling poorly. Have you checked her lower belly for any enlargement or mites or lice?
It could be water belly with the green poops and yellow urates which are from excess bile. Water belly can happen due to reproductive disorders, cancer, liver disease, and sometimes heart failure. Those are all common in hens. I hope the calcium helps, but she looks pretty weak. Have you tried giving some scrambled egg or wet feed? Usually they will take those even if feeling poorly. Have you checked her lower belly for any enlargement or mites or lice?
She wouldn’t eat it I tried several times. :( she doesn’t have lice or mites her belly is enlarged like between her legs and under her vent. Are these pills to big to shove in her mouth?
It could be water belly with the green poops and yellow urates which are from excess bile. Water belly can happen due to reproductive disorders, cancer, liver disease, and sometimes heart failure. Those are all common in hens. I hope the calcium helps, but she looks pretty weak. Have you tried giving some scrambled egg or wet feed? Usually they will take those even if feeling poorly. Have you checked her lower belly for any enlargement or mites or lice?
How could I get her to eat? She won’t even eat oatmeal her favorite! Could I force feed her she nibbled a little yogurt on a spoon but I know it doesn’t really help. I broke it up. Here is a picture on the bottle.


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Usually if you just open the beak and pop the pill into the back of the throat they will swallow it. I usually don’t like to force feed, but just hold a small cup or scoop up to the beak and let them drink and eat. Tube feeding is something you can learn to do. Here are some examples:
She won’t eat off it I will hold water to her beak and she’ll kinda nibble at it I gave her one small piece the pill and as afraid the whole peice was to big her belly isn’t red at all it’s more right under her vent very squishy maybe she is egg bound? Should I give another bath? She’s pretty weak but I would like to clean off the poop.
Here's what ascites (water belly) looks like. Look at your hen from the rear. Are her legs far apart? Watch her walk. Does she waddle back and forth from one leg to another like a duck?

Now put her on your lap and feel her abdomen. Is there a large amount of swelling on her abdomen in front of her legs? I had a hen a long time ago that had so much water in her belly that it nearly dragged on the ground.

Ascites is not a disease. It's a symptom of liver failure. It's always fatal.

If the swelling is behind the legs and under the vent, it's not ascites. It's a reproductive issue or excess fat.
Here's what ascites (water belly) looks like. Look at your hen from the rear. Are her legs far apart? Watch her walk. Does she waddle back and forth from one leg to another like a duck?

Now put her on your lap and feel her abdomen. Is there a large amount of swelling on her abdomen in front of her legs? I had a hen a long time ago that had so much water in her belly that it nearly dragged on the ground.

Ascites is not a disease. It's a symptom of liver failure. It's always fatal.

If the swelling is behind the legs and under the vent, it's not ascites. It's a reproductive issue or excess fat.
It’s not in front of her legs it’s under her vent she won’t really stand or walk so I can’t test that part. What would I do for that I’m glad there might be a chance!!!!
She was always the glutton of our flock actually it’s one of her nicknames could it be internal laying? What could I do?

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