HELP! My quail chicks are dying!

Tampa farmer

In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2015
Tampa, FL
Help! My quail chicks are dying. They start getting very clumsy and then they can barely stand. They start moving left to right.

Then when I check on them they are dead. Some of them just die. They looked healthy 5 minutes ago, then I go check on them again, and they are dead. I'm down to 13 and started with 36. They are 4 days old. I keep them in my garage and feed them Game Bird starter.h ey have pine bedding, and I was told not to use a heat lamp because in Florida it is already hot enough.

Could it be that they are not getting enough protein? Or do they need a heat lamp? Please hurry. I don't want anymore to die.
What kind of quail is it. Have you noticed if their eating the shavings,whats the temp in the brooder they gotta be at 95 96 when their that little they lose body heat fast. Im in south alabama i kniw the heat here but i still use a heat lamp.
They are Tibetan quail. Should I get a thermometer? Our local feed store man said DO NOT put in a heat lamp it will kill the birds because it will be too hot. Is that the normal way for quail to die of cold? Are those the symptoms.
get them under heat for sure! not sure why it wouldn't be required depending on where you live. heat is required for chicks of all species until fully feathered. i start all birds at 100F and reduce it as needed.
Post a pic so we can observe whether they are too hot cold, etc. Or give us more details on their behavior. Are you using vitamins or electrolytes in their water? Perhaps they are too drafty. If they are lethargic a little sugar in the water can perk them up. I also scramble an egg. Dehydrate it. Pulverize it in a nut and spice grinder. And mix it into their food. It provides good nutrients and bumps up protein. My quail enjoyed temps higher than 95, and enjoyed enougt space to move away if too hot.
They all pile on top of each other. I cut a water bottle and they all pile inside that. They are having a lot of trouble walking. Some don't even eat.
I would eliminate the shavings. Thats my opinion. I dont think its necessary if you can provide a soft floon with traction. Also observe they are drinking and eating. If you have a pipette you can manually give water. If dehydrated they wont fight it once they realize you are giving them water.
Do you break down the started feed? Or give it as is? Edited to add that they sound cold. Get a thermometer and figure out how warm or cold it is. Make sure they have the option to warm up. The huddling makes me think they are cold.
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