Help my Rhode Island Reds


Jul 1, 2015
Can someone help me, we are new at raising chicks. These are few days old rhode island reds and they are just dying 1 or 2 at a time. Today I went out to feed them and we now have 7 still alive and 2 new born 8 eggs left. But today all the bedding was out and 4 chicks died. 2 or 3 new born and 1 was almost a week. What can I do to save the rest?? Why are they dieing?? And would they be better free range ??
If they are chicks they shouldn't be outside yet. You should brood them for 6-8 weeks or until fully feathered. They might be dieing because they are too cold. You should have a heat lamp and a 100w bulb. Hope this helps and sorry for your losses. <3 molly
When I bought my 1 and 1/2 month old pullet I actually moved her into my room for the first 3weeks of having her because I was not sure if 1) she would survive the heat of the day 2) survive the rain or cold at night or 3) if she would survive the predators that were drawn by the noise of her peeping and crying out for me to come get her (I
Are you hatching out chicks? Are they with a broody hen? Are they just out in a coop? Do they have a heat source? What are you feeding them? I need more information about your situation so that I can give the best advice possible.
I was giving her advice on her chicks there's noting wrong with the chicks at the store all I do Is make sure they are feed watered and safe and healthy

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