Help! Need advice on coop roof---Edit: Coop is almost finished--Chickens are installed! Now Chick

On your roof you do not want to OSB to be tight or seal the joints. The material will expand and contract so you actually want a little space at the joints. There are little metal clips you can use to space them or just put a nail or penny between them. Good luck. Looks like a really nice coop
Thanks for the ideas!  I think the bird netting would be easier to work with than the chicken wire.  I'll have to look for it.

I have noticed that about the shade.  I didn't think of using sheets or shade cloth.  Thanks!

I can't believe you managed to do it alone!  That wood is heavy and it was hard enough with just 2 of us.  Wow, that was an accomplishment to do it yourself!

I was really lucky to have my daughter building it with me.  She had lots of good ideas, is stronger than I, and it was a good bonding experience.  :)

If you can, install some trees or bushes along the fencing just outside the run. I have trees and forest margins here in NY and that's where you can find my free ranging chickens, all day, every day. They avoid places without sky cover, don't spend as much time there. They are, by nature, forest/jungle birds, and they even sun and dustbathe under the overhang of the bushes ( or up against my house under the eaves)... whatever you can give them will become places they can hide from sun and predators, and will attract insects they can eat and perhaps green things they can nibble, and will help with moisture and drainage. I wouldn't plant them directly in the run, because the birds might destroy them in their boredom.

My mom is in Missouri and loses chickens to predators a lot...she has no sky cover for's all clearcut around the barn.

with no grass to pick at, few bugs to hunt in the dirt, few places safe and comfortable to hang out, they will get bored. There are easy treat dispensors you can make, even empty 16 oz bottles with a couple holes poked in them and scratch grains inside to roll around on the ground, and other bird feeders/treat holders in private or shady spots, corn on the cob, etc. so they have to "hunt" for their food. You might also consider a black soldier fly dispensor or such so they get some live treats. They will always feel safer with cover from skyborne if you want them to hang out in a specific area, they will need greenery or a lean-to. Doesn't need to be fancy... Under the coop isn't a great spot. some extra roosting places (think: log under the leanto) for daytime naps might be nice and will help them stay dry and clean in storms especially when rain and hail cause pooling and mudponds.
Thanks for the input, everyone! I didn't realize you all were posting, sorry...

I did get a shade cloth remnant for shade. It helps some. My daughter also built a "chicken bunker" as we call it; it's a 3-sided shelter built out of scrap wood and it is very heavy.

The chickens took shelter in it when we had a really bad storm with 90-per hour winds 2 weeks ago. It saved them from being blown away!

She also built what she calls the "jungle gym". It is basically 2 wooden saw horses with a platform where they can sit, with a plywood board attached on top. They can fly up and hang out on it or nap under it. It also gives them more shade and protection from the weather.

She also redid the roosts inside the coop and built nifty ladders for them to access the roosts. And we added a big window on the front for ventilation.

And this weekend she added the nesting boxes under that window! I helped some, but it was mostly her project.

I also have some bushes that I am going to plant outside the run. So things are coming along!

I will post pics in a bit when I am on my computer and not my iPhone.

Btw, they do have grass now and other plants growing in their run. Mostly alfalfa, which they love. There is a lot more vegetation now that we've had our spring rains.

Also, on the subject of the roof, we used plywood, but that's good to know about the osb! Thanks!
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