Help needed

knock on wood .... praise to be have not lost one in 4 years never spread anything on top
did first year much smaller run but was chicken wire across the top took most of that down
Thanks for all the feedback. Our coop is 4x10 and very secure and the run area is probably about 13’x13’ now. I’m usually home and when we do go away I have a someone who can come over and check that the girls are in their coop. Should I close their little chicken door at night? My SIL leaves hers open 24/7 and all hers go in their coop. Run will be fully enclosed and secure. Pray for the best
Do you mean on the ground where the chickens will be scratching?

This will do little to dissuade predators.
Yes. The HW cloth is secure to prevent digging and anything managing to get through with over 2’ of dirt on top of that
Depending on the predators in your area chicken wire definitely will not work alone. My mother-in-law lost her entire flock within two months. She used stronger material when she rebuilt. Hardware cloth is horribly horribly expensive. And I have a huge run and could never afford to use all hardware cloth. We use 2 x 4 galvanized wire fencing and then wrapped chicken wire around that. We do use a 2 foot strip of hardware cloth around the very bottom and for the skirt. We also sandwich the fencing with wood so nothing can push in or out on it. We have all kinds of creatures of the night and day but haven’t lost Any chickens with this set up. And of course extra strength nylon poultry netting covering the top

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