Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

Neighbors can be the pits. One planted a garden right next to the hen house so I put up a fence along the edge of my property between the hen house and the garden-Of all things, they have a huge yard and put the garden right by the poultry-go figure. Another neighbor came on the property in the backyard. My turkeys have poults an attacked her. Now, she threatens to kill them. We will soon start fencing the whole yard. Good luck.
Could you clarify how having a garden next to her fence is worse than chickens? Not trying to be rude but if you can have chickens on your property, why not her be able to plant a garden where she wants?
Could you clarify how having a garden next to her fence is worse than chickens? Not trying to be rude but if you can have chickens on your property, why not her be able to plant a garden where she wants?

Seeing chickens in the neighbor's yard and deciding to put your garden right next to it won’t qualify the gardening neighbor for admittance to Mensa, especially since she has a yard large enough to use a site that won’t be as tempting to the chickens. Just because a person has a right to do something, doesn’t mean it’s a smart choice.
It was not clear where the chickens died or if they died from poisoning.

Is this the bit you're talking about?

She said they are going on to her property and eating flowers. Even though she hasn't planted any flowers, she actually killed all of them with a mix of household chemicals.

I took that as the neighbor killing her own flowers with a mix of household chemicals, and then blaming the chickens for the dead flowers. I did not think it meant any dead chickens. But maybe I'm the one reading it wrong?

(There was also a later post blaming the neighbor for attracting raccoons with food, and the raccoons later killed some chickens, but no poisoning involved in that one.)
Is this the bit you're talking about?

I took that as the neighbor killing her own flowers with a mix of household chemicals, and then blaming the chickens for the dead flowers. I did not think it meant any dead chickens. But maybe I'm the one reading it wrong?

(There was also a later post blaming the neighbor for attracting raccoons with food, and the raccoons later killed some chickens, but no poisoning involved in that one.)

No. I was replying to this: “Could you clarify how having a garden next to her fence is worse than chickens? Not trying to be rude but if you can have chickens on your property, why not her be able to plant a garden where she wants?”

She CAN plant it where she wants. But, if she picks a stupid spot for it, she can’t complain. Sounds like the gardening neighbor is causing many of her own problems, but wants to complain or blame others. I’d get a large electrified fence with LOTS of volts for that section of the property line.

I took it as the neighbor was killing her own flowers with chemicals, too. But, I was hoping the chickens didn’t get into the toxins after that.
No. I was replying to this: “Could you clarify how having a garden next to her fence is worse than chickens? Not trying to be rude but if you can have chickens on your property, why not her be able to plant a garden where she wants?”

Oh, that makes sense. The original poster is Bantumbarnyard, while nchls school has the gardening neighbor-- I keep getting confused about which one is being discussed in which comments :)
So I have been living at my residence for just about a year now. I have owned the property for about 2 years. I have had chickens about that long and never had any complaints except if a rooster had escaped my property and went all the way down the road to a little old lady's house and it ate her flowers. I had to get rid of that rooster along with others anyways. So I had a new neighbor move in next to me, and she was happy that the chickens now are free range since she wanted them to eat ticks and how they ate left overs. Well ever since pandimic she started hating them. She isn't home that much, she takes care of elderly people who have demintia full-time. She said they are going on to her property and eating flowers. Even though she hasn't planted any flowers, she actually killed all of them with a mix of household chemicals. She also was happy to have them on the property which was why she bought it. What do I do. I pointed out that when she started feeding them they would go over there more, she would have to stop feeding them on her property.

It may not help, but I started giving my neighbors eggs to keep them happy. My chickens stay in my yard but they are very noisy! Give it a try. Good Luck, Edie in Costa Mesa, Ca.
So I have been living at my residence for just about a year now. I have owned the property for about 2 years. I have had chickens about that long and never had any complaints except if a rooster had escaped my property and went all the way down the road to a little old lady's house and it ate her flowers. I had to get rid of that rooster along with others anyways. So I had a new neighbor move in next to me, and she was happy that the chickens now are free range since she wanted them to eat ticks and how they ate left overs. Well ever since pandimic she started hating them. She isn't home that much, she takes care of elderly people who have demintia full-time. She said they are going on to her property and eating flowers. Even though she hasn't planted any flowers, she actually killed all of them with a mix of household chemicals. She also was happy to have them on the property which was why she bought it. What do I do. I pointed out that when she started feeding them they would go over there more, she would have to stop feeding them on her property.
Try to keep them out of her yard. Many people think the virus is spread by animals and since she is a caregiver, she may be a little too aware of what "could be".
Once all the hysteria is over, she'll probably chill back out.
Thanks. And yes, she even would come onto my property to feed them and I had to correct her on that. She would just leave food and attracted a racoon that killed two chickens and hurt two more. This was why I have trouble getting them back to the chicken coop and haven't been able to get them back in fenced area. They started roosting in the tree above the coop and I couldn't reach them to get them back in coop. I do have a fence, but the chickens have found ways around it. I am guessing that was how the raccoon got in and killed the chickens.
Somewhat off topic, but regard to the raccoon that killed your chickens... how did he damage the hens? I’m trying to identify a Predator that killed one of my hens. Her bottom was eaten out and her inside organs were all eaten. Then she was buried/hidden under the wood shavings on the hen house floor. Does that sound like what the raccoon did to yours?

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