help, out if food until tomorrow evening n its 2 deg F.

Dogfood will do in a pinch. Might want to crush it up if its really big chunks. I've run out of feed before and couldn't pick up any til after work so I gave my girls catfood for the day. You can also cook them some noodles or oatmeal.
Though they may turn their nose at the broc, finicky kids! They love lettuces too but of course that's gone too, lol. But thanks again! I really appreciate it! They are so dramatic when they don't have something they want!! Even though they ate the last around 4 pm, they acted devastated at 6 when I brought in new water n some dog chow, lol, poor babies! They are master manipulators I think!!!
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But when they're used to the routine, can't say I blame them

Even their cooing purrs turned to crying then as I left they started yelling at me, screaming more like! I felt so bad
live them dearly the deranged weirdly awesome birds!!! 1st time bird owner n even my goldenretrievers who are gpa, son n daughter And die hard bird dogs to boot, love them! (Not to mention hubby who was dead set against them saying they'll wreck his hunting dogs, loves them! Though he tries to act like he hates them but I know diff because I'll look out the window when he thinks no ones watching n sits n grins as thy cirle him curious to see what he's fiddling w now!! Sry long winded, sheesh, but what an awesome bird!!!
Though they may turn their nose at the broc, finicky kids! They love lettuces too but of course that's gone too, lol. But thanks again! I really appreciate it! They are so dramatic when they don't have something they want!! Even though they ate the last around 4 pm, they acted devastated at 6 when I brought in new water n some dog chow, lol, poor babies! They are master manipulators I think!!!

Lol! Maybe they will forgive you when you can pick up some more feed today!
boiled eggs, oatmeal, veggies and fruits, bread (pbj is a favorite for my guineas), let them free range and find some food. My guineas dont rely on food from me. They spend the day free ranging and come back with full crops. I am just their treat person. If I offer them a handful of their crumbles they turn their beaks up and walk away but they'll eat anything thats not crumblesor pellets from me.
I'd give mine stuff form the fridge, oatmeal, lentils, peas, eggs, etc. but that's just me :) If they enjoy eating your dog's food, and they've had it before, go ahead and let them. I wouldn't recommend switching them over to it permanently, but once in a blue moon won't hurt them.

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