Help! Peacock reacting after injection...

Since they were feeling better they got to have some visitors.

And some more even greater news, the vet called with the report on the fecal exam I took in yesterday, NO COCCI, NO WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the cocci and worms from ALL pens have been eradicated!!!
So glad for the good news

I love the visitor photos, they made my morning
too cute!
Well more good news! Both of the chicks that were gasping have fully recovered and have been reintroduced to the outdoor grow out pen. The one that had been to the vet and I had little hope for had daily injections for at least ten days or more, much longer than is normally recommended but looks fine now. The Tylan did the trick, it just took a while to work. Guess we will not know for sure what the malady was but hey, all's good now.

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