after she laid the bad egg she did not perch till Monday/last night, I believe she laid another egg. She had the wings down tail up stance the whole time, but after laying the first egg was walking around. went out last evening, found an egg and she perched. we were so relieved and very very happy.
She's back to her old self now, this morning when I went out she got right in the little room where we keep their food as soon as I opened the door, this is her normal behavior :) - they always have food available, just to clarify :) just her and Houdina always follow us around.

on an up note Houdina jumped on me and perched on my arm the other day after spending so much time in there with Rose. I missed that :) its been so cold here we havn't been hanging out with them as much. Can't wait to let them free range in the spring.

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