Help Please! Chick/pullet with swollen abdomen and heavy breathing. Possibly Ascites??


5 Years
Apr 5, 2014
I have a chick/pullet who has been under the weather and any advise would be very helpful! I will try to list all i can about her situation.

Malta is a silver laced wyandotte who is about 7 weeks old now, we got her and a buff orpington (Truffle) from the local feed store in the middle of Feb.
She was a bit of a runt but very friendly and active. A little while ago i noticed that she was walking a little funny and upon closer inspection realized that her whole rear end was swollen and kind of "full" feeling, like a soft water balloon, which is why she was walking funny. She also seems to breath a little hard at times and you can hear her wheeze a little bit.

She has always seemed to get cold easy, I just figured that was because she was so small. She has always been very active and keeps up fine with Truffle. They play outside and dust bathe and she always seems happy, she just doesn't like to be picked up, I assume its because she is uncomfortable.
Even though she is smaller than Truffle she is just as heavy if not heavier, I don't know if that is a breed thing or not, just seemed odd.
She does poop about as often as Truffle, but her droppings are always small and usually pretty hard or they are that liquidy brown stinky poop that they have sometimes, nothing unusual, just on the small size.
I tried to do some research and constipation seemed to be the closest thing I've found to what might be ailing her, but I couldn't find much of a description or advice referring to young chickens.

I started trying to get her to eat some yogurt and olive oil, she ate a little but I'm not sure if it will be enough to help anything.
Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but I know how quickly things can take a turn for the worse, so im trying to be proactive about the whole situation.

Any advise on what might be the problem with her or what I can do to help her would mean a lot to me!
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Try putting some vitamins and electrolytes in the birds water, this may help. Check her bottom and make sure no chick droppings are dried over her vent, but with those symptoms it is kind of hard to give a diagnosis. Just keep an eye on it and hope that she doesn't get worse. Good Luck.
Thanks chickenlover3! I started giving her some vitamins and electrolytes, I figure it cant hurt anything. The more research I've done the more its looking like it may be Ascites, I would guess caused by a heart condition, since she has always seemed to have a really fast heartbeat and heavy breathing (but that's just speculation on my part).

I have read a bunch about people using needles to drain the abdomen of the built up liquid, that sounds terrifying but I'm willing to do whatever I can to help her.

Does anyone know if there is a way to really KNOW that a chicken has Ascites? I don't want to try anything until I know for sure that is what she has!
Any help would be great!
JetPack, did you find anything out for sure about your pullet? I have an Ameraucana pullet about 4.5 months showing the exact same symptoms. From what I've read, she could have ascites, but I'm not sure.

Hi Rebecca, I'm sorry to hear about your little pullet.
I ended up taking Malta to the vet and it turned out that she had an enlarged heart and that once she reached a certain size her heart wasn't able to support her body anymore. The vet also said that her abdomen felt fine even though it felt swolen to me. We ended up losing her, there wasn't anything that the vet could do for her, though she did try her best. It was deviating to lose her, but I'm glad we were able to give her a good happy home for the short life she did have.
For me my chickens are very much pets so it was worth it for me to take her to the vet even though it was expensive it was worth the piece of mind it brought me. Especially knowing that there wasn't anything I could have done.
It sounds like your pullet is almost full grown though, has she shown signs of this her whole life or is it a recent thing? Unfortunately I never really found out much about ascites, so I can't give you any advice on that issue. I hope that you are able to figure out the problem and that your little lady pulls through! I'd love to hear how things go if you feel like updating me!
I wish you both the best,
Thanks for replying! I'm sorry to hear about is heartbreaking to lose them. I had no idea I would fall for my chicks the way I did. I thought chickens were "just chickens" until I had my own. My pullet, Angie has been showing these symptoms for about 23 days. She hasn't gotten worse and her abdomen hasn't grown or gotten harder. She eats and drinks, though I think she's on the thin side. Her main issue is not wanting to move around too much because it takes so much effort and it seems like walking may be a tad difficult for her. I won't be able to take her to the vet..but I really think her problem is with her heart. And from what I've read, you might be able to buy some time, but they usually don't make it. Now, my hard decision is whether she is still enjoying her life and not too uncomfortable or if it would be better to put her down. For now, I think I'll watch her a while longer and see how things go.

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