Help Please! Duck is bleeding while hatching

Has he had any water yet? He looks a little too "sleepy", and that make me nervous. If he were mine I would try to get him to sip on some sugar water, and probably give him a drop of Nutri-Drench.

  • What temp is the incubator?
  • Are all the vents open?
  • Do his legs and feet feel hot, warm or cool?

FYI, while many chicks and ducklings do fine without food and water for 72 hours, many do not, so getting him to start drinking is very important.

Could you PM casportpony or Lacrystol? I think it may be time to move him to the brooder. Let me check Storey's Guide.

"When ducklings are dry, remove them from the incubator."
He looks too sleepy, so I would get him drinking/eating and start lowering the temp a a little at a time and see how he does. 95 degrees is probably a good temp to start at.


In still-air machines the correct temperature is 101.5 ˚F, 102˚F, 102.5˚F, and 103˚F for each consecutive week.


Forced-air machines are maintained at several degrees lower, 99.25 to 99.75˚F, since all sides of the egg are warmed equally.

(edited - hope I did not give anyone apoplexy with that typo. 99, not 88
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I would keep him right where he is until he is able to walk better, then put him in the broody, you will have to supply him with water and since he is alone. I would suggest that you stick your finger in the water and make little splashes to get his attention and curiousity. He should go and check it out and plop his head in the water and do the rest in his own, I would also grind out his food and again with your finger get his attention so he eats. Ner member you have to play momma here for him. I would not allow him to swim for at least a week so that he can produce his own oils to stay a float.

I would make sure the broody temp is about 95, no need to worry about humidty..then each week lower it by 5 degrees.. Keep giving him vitamins out it in the water. He needs vitamin b3 right now, it's very important for duckies to have this..
The duckling is drinking water(with vitamins) by himself, he has been moved from the incubator to under a heat lamp, he is walking a lot better and chirping more! The temp is 95 right now. I have had starter food in with him since this am and im not sure if he is eating it or just playing with it and making a mess. I haven't actually seen him eat. He doesn't seem sleepy today, he's pretty active :) yay!!
He still has some goop on his head. I have tried twice to wet it with a wet wash cloth but it seem to really be on there. Any ideas how to get it off without harming the duck? Or do i just have to keep wetting it with a wash cloth?

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