Help, please! Muscovy egg now a baby duckling-he is wet, what to do now???

So it is almost 3:00pm here, and he is still hanging in there. David got him to take a bit more water with the Nutri Drench in it, since he refuses it straight. he still is not eating, though, and his little eyes haven't opened in awhile-several hours-but he is peeping and wiggling and kicking. I want so badly for the little guy to make it.......

Any and all suggestions gladly accepted!

Could you open his bill a little and put a few drops inside his mouth at a time to get it in him full strength. could the lights be bright inside your building, that may be one reason he's not opening his eyes. I don't know What else to advise you to do. I know you want him to make it. I do it.. My prayers and thoughts are with ya'll. you might try giving him some boiled egg yolk when you get home mashed with some warm water.
Well, it is just after 10:00 am here, and we have him back at work with us. He is nibbling wet mash-not much, in my opinion, but David seems to be pleased. I can get very few drops at a time of the ND straight into him, but he much prefers it in his water! He actually shakes his little head after I give him a drop and then drinks (for him) a bunch of water! He is actually lifting his little head when I hold him, not for long, but enough that I can tell he is able to do so. AND....he actually stood on his little legs for a nanosecond yesterdy evening! May have been just got balanced right for a second, but he is trying!
We took him to our local feed store, and they didn't know anything about wry neck-they said they had never even heard of it-that frightened me, i can tell you! But this is texas, and most local feed stores cater more to cattle farmers.
He is a fighter, darnit, and I am not giving up on him yet! thanks so much for your help......I will keep forcing the little bugger to drink his nasty meds! Poor Mommy/Daddy David keeps him in the little box with a towel in it on his desk all day. We are going to take him outside and try to put him on the grass for a bit, to see what he does, if you think that would be OK to do.
We still have the lamp over him, and try to cuddle him as much as we can.

Again, thanks so very much-keep us in your thoughts and prayers!!

Sybil and Daddy Duck David

Oh, and I will be trying the egg yolk tonight-I didn't read your post until this morning! Thanks for the idea.
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Well, it is just after 10:00 am here, and we have him back at work with us. He is nibbling wet mash-not much, in my opinion, but David seems to be pleased. I can get very few drops at a time of the ND straight into him, but he much prefers it in his water! He actually shakes his little head after I give him a drop and then drinks (for him) a bunch of water! He is actually lifting his little head when I hold him, not for long, but enough that I can tell he is able to do so. AND....he actually stood on his little legs for a nanosecond yesterdy evening! May have been just got balanced right for a second, but he is trying!
We took him to our local feed store, and they didn't know anything about wry neck-they said they had never even heard of it-that frightened me, i can tell you! But this is texas, and most local feed stores cater more to cattle farmers.
He is a fighter, darnit, and I am not giving up on him yet! thanks so much for your help......I will keep forcing the little bugger to drink his nasty meds! Poor Mommy/Daddy David keeps him in the little box with a towel in it on his desk all day. We are going to take him outside and try to put him on the grass for a bit, to see what he does, if you think that would be OK to do.
We still have the lamp over him, and try to cuddle him as much as we can.

Again, thanks so very much-keep us in your thoughts and prayers!!

Sybil and Daddy Duck David

Oh, and I will be trying the egg yolk tonight-I didn't read your post until this morning! Thanks for the idea.

You don't know how happy I am to see your post, when you were silent for so long I just knew he had died, I always think the worst. but thank the Lord he is still with you and with improvement. even the slightest is better than none. of course take him out as long as the grass hasn't been treated with chemicals, with him in a weakened state that would not be good. Don't be surprised about folks knowing nothing about wry neck like you said most feed stores cater to cattle or horses, and just cause you work in a feed store doens't mean you've ever had ducks or chickens. lol I will be looking forward to next up date. and will continue to ask and look for a miracle!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday-between work being, well, WORK, and feeling really, really blue, I just didn't even get on the computer. yes, Miss Lydia, we lost the wee one. He fought so hard, but he wasn't eating, started drinking less, got less active, and finally didn't open his eyes. He passed away during the night. I feel so darn sad........I know we tried, with ya'lls wonderful support, encouragement, and help, but it still feels awful. As my youngest co-worker said, though, "at least he can fly and swim now". Darnit, I think I may cry again!

Thanks so much for everything.

Sybil and Mommy/Daddy Duck David
Sorry I didn't post yesterday-between work being, well, WORK, and feeling really, really blue, I just didn't even get on the computer. yes, Miss Lydia, we lost the wee one. He fought so hard, but he wasn't eating, started drinking less, got less active, and finally didn't open his eyes. He passed away during the night. I feel so darn sad........I know we tried, with ya'lls wonderful support, encouragement, and help, but it still feels awful. As my youngest co-worker said, though, "at least he can fly and swim now". Darnit, I think I may cry again!

Thanks so much for everything.

Sybil and Mommy/Daddy Duck David

I'm so sorry to hear this..
I know you both gave it your all and thats all the little one asked. It still is so heart breaking. Just draw comfort in knowing that you had him for such a short time but what a blessing he was even in the state he was in, cuddling in Davids hand and I am sure other moments that brought joy. Now you'll be so much more prepared when and if the time ever comes again.. God Bless and please stay in touch!

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