Help! Prolapse vent, distended abdomen, and egg bound?


7 Years
Apr 12, 2017
I have a flock of 13 chickens. We were gone for a few days for a vacation, and had somebody checking on the chickens while we were gone. The chicken sitter didn't notice anyone acting weird, but this morning I noticed one of my chickens was waddling and her feathers were an absolute mess. It look like she was missing a ton of feathers and even her Wing feathers seem to be missing. She's clearly uncomfortable.

This hen is just over two years old, and is an isa brown. She has been laying normally for us since she was six months old.

When I brought her in the house, I noticed that her belly was extremely hard and distended and it looked like she was trying to poop out an egg. I gave her a warm Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes twice. I also put Vaseline and Preparation H on the prolapse vent that seem to be appearing. I gave her extra calcium in some cottage cheese in hopes that that might help her pass the egg if that's the problem. However her prolapsed vent seems to be sticking out and not going back in like it was earlier today. I cannot feel an egg when I put my finger in her vent. However I feel like I feel it when I feel her belly. She has some labored breathing and she's not moving around much, and she's resting quietly in the bathtub on a few towels.

I am at a loss of what to do next. I can continue to give her baths, and extra calcium, but I'm worried about her breathing. She also has white discharge coming out of her vent now. She's eating and drinking. Has anyone had any experience with what appears to be an egg bound chicken with a prolapsed vent and distended belly?
Yes, today I have been treating my hen: 20 min bath Epsom salts, she's missing feathers around that area due to the other chickens. Then I used Vetericyn spray on the area.
Lubricated the vent with Hen Healer. Could not feel an egg. But yes, white runny discharge from her vent. I'm praying for my hen "BeeBees" 2 years old
Newhampshire red.

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