abdomen swollen

  1. G

    EYP hen (pictures) (please help!)

    This is her belly. It’s only swollen in her rear area (the noticable swelling starts in the space right between her keel and vent) It isn’t red. It is firm but not completely hard. The vet said it’s not fluid, so it’s not ascites. Her comb is bright red and her crop empties like normal. I saw...
  2. mammabird34601

    Large lumpy mass in abdomen

    I have a sizeable flock of around 23 hens, several of the older ones are around 4 1/2 years old, and a couple of these oldest hens are starting to show their age. A couple months ago I noticed a large red, pimple-like welt on the hiney of one of my austrolorps but, being that she was acting...
  3. Greystone farm

    Starving hen with mass in abdomen

    My hen, Rhody, has a hard and distended abdomen. My vet checked her out shortly afterwards and prescribed her some meds. A few days later, I left to vacation at my cottage and left some reliable family taking care of Rhody. Unfortunately, she has stopped eating and drinking and has become very...
  4. K

    Tips for diagnosing a swollen bottom?

    Hi all. I have a hen whose bottom has been getting larger within the last month, during which period she has stopped laying (normal for this time of year anyway). Her abdomen feels firm, but not solid. It’s squish-able but not squishy. Symmetrical and no solid characteristics or landmarks. It...
  5. Wild--Star

    Surgery - Is It Worth It?

    My Isa Brown hen Ava is 3 years old. She has a mass of what might be hard eggs in her reproductive tract. She is doing okay so far and is acting normal despite the mass and has been for a while but the vet said it will eventually become life-threatening and if I want to prolong her life she...
  6. chickmamat

    Ascites / chicken still draining hours later??

    3yo RIR. After lots of research realized it was ascites. She’s been in fine spirits but I noticed her breathing heavily last week, have been keeping a close eye. I picked her up 4-5 days ago and realized her abdomen was full of fluid and felt like an overfilled water baloon. We do not have the...
  7. wildlifezone

    Abdominal tumor or ? what to do?

    My poor Rhode Island has been eating and pooping like a healthy hen, but when I noticed her waddling I picked her up (she is very people shy, so I don't usually handle her) and her entire abdomen from below her wishbone to her legs to her cloaca is like a huge taught balloon. I gave her a warm...
  8. Mrs123Wife

    Help! Prolapse vent, distended abdomen, and egg bound?

    I have a flock of 13 chickens. We were gone for a few days for a vacation, and had somebody checking on the chickens while we were gone. The chicken sitter didn't notice anyone acting weird, but this morning I noticed one of my chickens was waddling and her feathers were an absolute mess. It...
  9. B

    Enlarged, swollen lower abdomen. Not laying eggs for many weeks.

    Our hen, Abby, is about 5 or 6. We got her 3 years ago. We have two hens. Both are not well right now. I will post about the other one, Bernie, later. She's all rusty buff colored, about the size of hens we've had in the past, like a rhode island red or silver laced wyandotte. I don't know...
  10. A

    poor chicken has several problems

    one of my hens, Maxene, has a distended abdomen, what looks like swollen upper legs, and a lump under one eye. I just noticed the last two things when I was trying to get her to hold still so I could take a picture (I couldn't). my chickens aren't friendly and won't let me pick them up or get...
  11. Kgriffith0712

    Older hen with swollen lower abdomen after introducing rooster to flock

    About a year ago, and byy donation, I received an older hen that was thought to be at least 3 years old. after having one of my girls picked off by a hawk I decided to raise a jersey giant to help keep watch over the girls. He is about 6 months old and the first hen he started mating was the...
  12. littlefarmgirl9

    Chicken with swollen abdomen

    My black Australorp penny has been walkin weird lately. She walks slowly and with a wider stance than normal. Yesterday she pooped and it was white, all urates. Today I felt around inside her vent and found nothing but more urates. Penny sat down a few times today. From the outside her abdomen...
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