HELP! Quail has a naked back?

my uncles rooster dirtneck has a bald spot on his neck since two new roosters to the flock from straight run chicks he used to be the top dog what happened?
my uncles rooster dirtneck has a bald spot on his neck since two new roosters to the flock from straight run chicks he used to be the top dog what happened?
You can't mix quail roosters unless they've been raised together, given adequate space, and have a sufficient number of females. What happened is he didn't understand the social structure of his flock and threw a monkey wrench in there. Unless you are giving them upwards of 100sq ft and at least 6-7 hens per roo, you'll always have problems mixing multiple males.
Now like 3 of my female quail have the same problem, but not as severe.

What is the protein level in the feed you are giving them? If the feed is too low in protein they can tend to feather pick. That or you have one or more birds that just enjoy pulling feathers. Hint, it would be one of the ones that still has it's rump feathers since it's' busy pulling the other quail's feathers. It could be a hen or a roo.

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