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That is his insides, and I would cull immediately. I doubt that much can make its way back in, and even if you could stuff all that into it and seal the hole, the chance of infection is huge. Poor baby.
Search for a post on using dry ice to cull. It seems more "humane" than most.....
Well, maybe, but humane for who, the chick or the culler? Sharp scissors and a quick snip is probably the quickest and simplest way to dispatch a chick, and it's very definite. No doubts as to whether it's dead yet, whether it just twitched, etc.
No matter what it sucked but it is done. It wasn't even drying the right way or anything. It did look an awful lot like intestines. Well so goes life I guess. So far I got 7 healthy chicks and another zipping very slow. I still got like 4 eggs to go too. Pokey chicks!

Thanks for everyone's help in this.
It does suck to cull a baby chick. I had to do it a few times on failure to thrive issues. You did your job as a "farmer" although I suspect you will need a big old glass of wine in a little while.
I have had many many hatches and this hatch is the first hatch where I had a chick hatch with some of the yolk sack hanging out of its butt. Most of the eggs have hatched so I'm leaving it in the incubator so the other chicks won't peck at it. It looks now like it is drying up. Will see tomorrow how it looks.
That's what I've been doing with my yolk sac chicks. The brooder is full of fluffy butts and i don't need them pecking at a new one. These eggs are going slow. I got one zipping right now..I am guessing the pip that was there yesterday will be born tonight while I sleep. i still have eggs with no pip even. I might tap those tomorrow sometime and see if I see anything. The only other issue I had was one chick was upside down..good thing I caught it. I was using the egg carton method and even cut down the sides some..but it wouldn't have made it out if I had not taken the egg and laid in on the wire for it to finish. So far all is going fairly good I think.

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