Help raising an indoor pekin duck!


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2015
I have three pekin ducks, two female and one male, outside. I decided to incubate some eggs and only one survived and I had to help it out of its shell bc it was shrink wrapped. Because it was stuck in the shell, his leg if bent the wrong way. When he was three days old I took it to a vet and he put a cast on it to try to help straighten it out. Four days after the cast was on, his foot was swollen and turning purple so we took it off. There is no way this duck can make it outside right now because he can barely walk so we decided to keep him inside for as long as he needs. I have ordered some duck diapers and right now he is in a plastic tote. I have a puppy pad covering the bottom and change it almost 4 times a day. I would like any suggestions on keeping him inside and the cleanest way. I was thinking a dog crate, but not sure and I know he can't be in diapers all the time.

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