Help! Rooster fight = scabbed shut eyes??


In the Brooder
Jan 27, 2024
My young mature roo got assaulted by another roo 3 days ago.
He's fine other than extremely tired and won't open his swollen, scabbed eyes.

I have attached a photo.

His comb got frost bite Btw. Those aren't all wounds from the fight. We've bathed him but I'm hesitant to get his face wet as he is also breathing weird once in a while.
We found him gasping for air w nostrils full of blood. No other visible wounds.
He's WAY better now. Eating & drinking w assistance. Crowing. Preening. Crying for his flock 😔.

My son thinks he's lost both eyes as they've been weeping???

Idk what else to do. I need this roo out of my house but he's just so tired I feel like I need to give him more time.

I have coconut oil and neosporin and Tobramycin drops?

Mystic Mountain Momma


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Have you opened his eyes to make sure they're both there? Take a qtip and dampen it. Firmly and gently brush it on the lid seam for each eye until you can gently open the eye. The bird probably won't like that. It could be as simple as he can't open them on his own and will perk up once you do that much
Welcome to BYC. Can you try to open his eyes gently each day until the swelling goes down until you can see if his eyes appreciate intact? It can take a few days to see. In the meantime when you are doing that, rinse his eyes with saline or Bausch and Lomb eye relief wash twice a day. Flow that with applying a small dab of Terramycin eye ointment from the feed store or plain Neosporin twice daily. Make sure his nostrils are open or clean them with QTips. He will need to have food and water held up to his beak, and fed several times a day. Mushy wet feed and egg can be offered with dry crumbles as well.
If his eyes are pierced, and I hope not, what is your plan with him? Roosters will fight and sometimes kill each other unless one becomes docile and doesn’t challenge. Are they bantams or full size?
Have you opened his eyes to make sure they're both there? Take a qtip and dampen it. Firmly and gently brush it on the lid seam for each eye until you can gently open the eye. The bird probably won't like that. It could be as simple as he can't open them on his own and will perk up once you do that much
We have. My son said he saw no eye... But it's not sunken in from the outside as I imagine it would be if the eye was gone. 🤷‍♂️
The roo tried to open them yesterday then promptly closed them again and now they seem gooped shut again.

The bird also sounds like he has a stuffed up nose sometimes.

He just keeps crowing and purring and I feel so bad for him.
Have you seen drainage from the eyes that looked like thick clear slime? That is what the aqueous humor or contents of the eye would look like. Many times the surrounding tissue will remain swollen around the eye, so it can be hard to see the actual eyeball. My hen was pecked in the eye, and although we later saw that she was bling, her eye was not pierced. I am hoping that your rooster’s eyes will be okay once that swelling is down. Because he is basically blind until he can open them, he will need water and food given to him. Please let us know how he is getting along.
We have. My son said he saw no eye... But it's not sunken in from the outside as I imagine it would be if the eye was gone. 🤷‍♂️
The roo tried to open them yesterday then promptly closed them again and now they seem gooped shut again.

The bird also sounds like he has a stuffed up nose sometimes.

He just keeps crowing and purring and I feel so bad for him.
The breathing may or may not fix itself. I'm not good at that part of bird health though. Take another look at the eye. I've had two birds (both ducks though, one from a rooster spur andnone from a broody hen peck) lose an eye. The eye was punctured so it was obviously quite damaged but technically still there, and as it healed, the eye goop (sorry, I don't have a batter word at this time) slowly dried up and disappeared, leaving a pretty empty socket. It takes them some time to adjust, but both got alone just fine once they learned how to navigate.
Have you seen drainage from the eyes that looked like thick clear slime? That is what the aqueous humor or contents of the eye would look like. Many times the surrounding tissue will remain swollen around the eye, so it can be hard to see the actual eyeball. My hen was pecked in the eye, and although we later saw that she was bling, her eye was not pierced. I am hoping that your rooster’s eyes will be okay once that swelling is down. Because he is basically blind until he can open them, he will need water and food given to him. Please let us know how he is getting along.
We have been feeding and watering him.
We did see this thick clear goop.
He just seems so antsy inside now, but he's also really tired and it's cold and wet.
The breathing may or may not fix itself. I'm not good at that part of bird health though. Take another look at the eye. I've had two birds (both ducks though, one from a rooster spur andnone from a broody hen peck) lose an eye. The eye was punctured so it was obviously quite damaged but technically still there, and as it healed, the eye goop (sorry, I don't have a batter word at this time) slowly dried up and disappeared, leaving a pretty empty socket. It takes them some time to adjust, but both got alone just fine once they learned how to navigate.
Are your birds completely blind?
How many days before I loose hope he has at least one eye?
Ty! 🙏🏻
Are your birds completely blind?
How many days before I loose hope he has at least one eye?
Ty! 🙏🏻
Mine each had one eye. One I lost several years ago to a dog that wiped out a flock, the other is a little under a year now and you wouldn't know just glancing at her with her group. It's pretty obvious once the eye is open. Let me find the picture I have of her after a couple days of treatment

It's not the best photo, I guess I don't have any others though. Her pupil turned like a marroonish red pretty quickly and then as it died off, it shrunk in. I'll see if I can get a better picture of how it looks now

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