Help! Run material advice

I'd bury it just enough to hide it, that was whatever is digging will hit it but won't think to back up and dig further away. If the edge can be seen a racoon is smart enough to pry up the edge. Don't have to bury it much, this is how I did mine

Edit: half inch hardware cloth is the material of choice for most

We basically did the same thing with the 1/2 hardware cloth and went down 8 inches then out 8 inches where we could. We do have raccoons where we live and it is always better to be safe then sorry. The top is fully covered with the hardware cloth (welded wire). Our run is about 10 x 20' so lots of room for them when they are not out free ranging.
Time and money were not on our side when we did this but we are so glad we just went for it. No regrets.
I used hardeware cloth on the bottom section of my run, dug into the ground and welded wire on the top part - to help cut cost a little.(see below) I also use electric poultry netting to range them around the yard. Its a little pricey to get , but well worth it!
Thank you all for your responses! I lucked out and found a dog run on Craigslist that comes with a tarp. They will still free range, just not when I am not at home.
I used hardware cloth as an apron around my run. Just laid it out on top of the ground anchored it with landscape fabric staples. In the summer the grass grows right up through it and it's been working well for 2 years now. Agree with @aart - a dog kennel would work for now. You might also want to think about using something to cover the chain link of a dog kennel as some predators can reach right through it and grab. I use cattle panels for my run, but I arched them upright between fence posts. Not a project for this time of year though if you can't pound them deeply into the ground.

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That apron looks way easier to install than the 16 inches of hardware cloth we buried around our run, but i wouldn' t trust an apron if the run is meant to be secure and i didn't shut the coop every night. There are predators everywhere--even in your backyard! I'm thinking that apron would not keep rats out if they were already tunneling below it.
That apron looks way easier to install than the 16 inches of hardware cloth we buried around our run, but i wouldn' t trust an apron if the run is meant to be secure and i didn't shut the coop every night. There are predators everywhere--even in your backyard! I'm thinking that apron would not keep rats out if they were already tunneling below it.
Well, mine kept out a 65 pound dog just fine.
She tried digging under it....broke and bloodied a toenail and skulked away shooting the run a dirty look the whole time. It certainly does deter diggers and has for 2 years. But to each his/her own...
That apron looks way easier to install than the 16 inches of hardware cloth we buried around our run, but i wouldn' t trust an apron if the run is meant to be secure and i didn't shut the coop every night. There are predators everywhere--even in your backyard! I'm thinking that apron would not keep rats out if they were already tunneling below it.
Rats, and other smaller rodents, are a different story I think....and a formidable foe once they have their sights set on your chicken feed.
The apron is mostly meant to deter larger diggers, dogs, coyote, fox, coons, etc.
Concept being that they dig at the bottom of wall, hit the mesh and move along wall to try again, with same result.
Most won't back up away from wall 18" to dig under apron, tho it is possible.
Most won't back up away from wall 18" to dig under apron, tho it is possible.
It's the same as securing your house - your deadlocks and chains and security screens won't stop somebody with a crowbar or an angle grinder, but they'll do the job to keep out any/many/most opportunistic thief looking for an easy "in".

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