Help.... Runt? Dwarfism? Failure to Thrive?

UPDATE: It is apparent little Midge has taken a turn for the worse. My husband suspected something yesterday and brought her up to the house away from the other birds. She isn't walking good at all. Her legs are bent like she is trying to balance just to keep herself upright. Now the young roo doesn't seem to want her around either. She is no longer safe with her sisters. They dont pick on her but she cant keep up for the relitive safty they have provided. We have grown unusually attached to her sweet demeanor. We have tried to do what's best for her with fingers crossed she remains happy. I feel we may need to say goodbye.
FINAL UPDATE: After an impressive 21 weeks we had to choose what was best for our little Midge. She was scratching, moving with her siblings and genuinely enjoying life being a chicken for much longer than we expected. Not as long as we hoped. After a day inside with us she showed no sign of improvement. She would eat and drink what was put in front of her but she couldn't stand or balance anymore. While she looks super fluffy her body was very tiny under the enormous wings. We enjoyed every minute of her wobbling to us for treats and scratches. She was the leader of her sisters teaching them to trust their humans so we have a whole flock that follows us around looking for pets and scratches. May she rest in peace.
FINAL UPDATE: After an impressive 21 weeks we had to choose what was best for our little Midge. She was scratching, moving with her siblings and genuinely enjoying life being a chicken for much longer than we expected. Not as long as we hoped. After a day inside with us she showed no sign of improvement. She would eat and drink what was put in front of her but she couldn't stand or balance anymore. While she looks super fluffy her body was very tiny under the enormous wings. We enjoyed every minute of her wobbling to us for treats and scratches. She was the leader of her sisters teaching them to trust their humans so we have a whole flock that follows us around looking for pets and scratches. May she rest in peace.
I am so very sorry. You did the best for your little girl and she knew so much love and good in her short little life. Rest easy little Midge ❤️

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