
In the Brooder
Sep 8, 2022

I need help, please! I have a small flock of chickens and two turkeys. I thought they had CRD and got advice from a guy who runs a feed store. He recommended Bio Mycin injected over daily for 3 days. We did this and they got worse. He said to try it again for 3 days. We just finished the second round tonight, but I can tell this medicine is not helping.

They cough, wheeze, have runny noses, extremely swollen sinuses and I know for a fact the male has mites. Not sure if that makes a difference, but thought it was worth noting. I figure if he has them they probably all do. I can just see them on him when he fans his tail.

Also, we had a few chickens who were coughing and they did seem to respond well to the medicine.

Additionally, we had a few chickens and the girl turkey all go through a week or two of limping. All have recovered from the limping except one rooster.

I don’t know what I’m the world is going on, but I’m afraid these turkeys will die if I can’t help them.

They otherwise seem ok as they eat and drink plenty.

I appreciate any advice! Thank you!


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