Help! What just came out of my duck?

They also get, cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, grapes, oats, lettuce, scrambled chicken eggs, and meal worms... Just depends on what's on hand for the day on snacks. But the crush corn is what I get for their feed. I can get it at 5% 12% or 14% protien. I feed the chicken the 12% protien and free range during the day. My ducks are in a big fenced in area so I don't free range them. When I was getting feed in town it was chicken feed, or scratch feed,it's all they really carry so I started getting the crush corn at a local feed store nearby.
Do they free range?
The protein % is pretty low, especially if you live somewhere that gets snow in the winter.
Getting them an All Flock feed around 15%-18% would be better for them. Make sure they have crushed oyster shell too. Like CayugaJana said, it's like feeding a kid potato chips all day.

I get that you are giving them all the other stuff too that has vitamins, but they are not getting a consistent diet of proteins and nutrients. This could seriously effect them in the long run.

Hope this helps!
They also get, cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, grapes, oats, lettuce, scrambled chicken eggs, and meal worms... Just depends on what's on hand for the day on snacks. But the crush corn is what I get for their feed. I can get it at 5% 12% or 14% protien. I feed the chicken the 12% protien and free range during the day. My ducks are in a big fenced in area so I don't free range them. When I was getting feed in town it was chicken feed, or scratch feed,it's all they really carry so I started getting the crush corn at a local feed store nearby.
The diet isn't balanced so go back to getting bags of feed.
Do they free range?
The protein % is pretty low, especially if you live somewhere that gets snow in the winter.
Getting them an All Flock feed around 15%-18% would be better for them. Make sure they have crushed oyster shell too. Like CayugaJana said, it's like feeding a kid potato chips all day.

I get that you are giving them all the other stuff too that has vitamins, but they are not getting a consistent diet of proteins and nutrients. This could seriously effect them in the long run.

Hope this helps!
Thank you, this does help me alot! I'm call my feed store today and see if I can get them on something better! And no I just free range my chickens, my ducks are very skittish and hard to catch so I'm afraid they may venture off to the road. They have a very large fenced in area in the yard though.
I'm feeding her and my drakes crush corn. I also have 12% crush corn, should I be feeding them that instead?
Ideally your laying hens would be eating lay pellets, but lay pellets contain too much calcium for non-layers and drakes, so I would suggest feeding them an all flock feed with oyster shell on the side.
I just buy Purina Layer Pellets for my ducks. Yes, it has a chicken on the front of the bag, but it's still okay for the ducks. It's available at Co-Op and Tractor Supply and there are generic versions of it at places like Rural King, too. Do you have any of those stores near you?
i have a tsc about 30 miles out which isn't to bad, I have to go into town later anyway so ill swing by and see what they have
i have a tsc about 30 miles out which isn't to bad, I have to go into town later anyway so ill swing by and see what they have
They should have Purina Flock Raiser and oyster shell, they might also have Nutrena Nature Wise All Flock, either will work.
flock.jpg nutrena_all_flock.png
I do have another question, yall have helped me out so greatly and nicely. I went out this morning to give fresh water and my ducks are usually very talkative to me in the mornings, my 2 drakes are fine but my 1 female was in her house and when came out she was slow goin and wont talk to me, she got in her pool after I cleaned it and filled it but she just sat there. then the drakes got in and she tried so hard to get away but of course.... the drake got what he wanted. I just have the 3: 1 female pekin, 1 male pekin and 1 male mallard. the female was a rescue so we went and got 2 more and they both ended up boys (we was really hoping for all females) but it is what it is. my concern is that the 2 males are getting to be too much for her, ive never separated them but wondering if maybe I should for awhile?
I don't have ducks but a friend does and she had more males than females and the males killed her female, mating her to death. Well she worded it "used her up" So maybe you should add a couple females. I THINK afterward that incident she said she learned there should be 3 females to 1 male. But I may separate if she isn't acting well, to give her a break.

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