Help with breed and sex


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
Can anyone help identify sex and breed of these chickens. I'm thinking the barred one is a roo?


Know the one is a roo because it crowed twice today. Easter egger? but not sure about the white one. White one has green legs. All of these are about 4 months old.


This one is about 6 weeks old.

And this one must be a bantam. Hoping it is a girl. Same age as the one above.

I tried to add some better photos but for some reason it isn't letting me upload them. Gives me an error.
Here is a better picture of the larger white one.

And this rooster has feathered legs. Any idea what breed?
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They all look like Easter Eggers. The barred one is a cockerel, yes, as well as the one you already know. The rest look like pullets so far.
the last pic is a french black copper marans (last pic). i dont think they all are ee's unless you got a lot of them with straight combs. can you get a closer pic of the barred one please (head/comb) does it have a beard?
Unfortunately I didn't get great head shots of the barred one. Probably won't be able to get any more shots for a few days. Here are the best shots that I got of that one though. I don't think it has a beard, at least not yet, and the comb doesn't look like a straight comb.

I found a better photo of the small white chick. These two are the same age but the white one is so tiny. Any idea what it is? Doesn't really have much in the way of tail feathers. I assume it is a bantam something. These both are about 6 weeks old.
Look like EEs to me also except the little white one and the last roo. Pretty sure the barred EE is a roo. Don't know what the last roo or the little white one are.

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