Help with post bumblefoot issues


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2021
Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted and Pip is still going strong (kind of). Her respiratory system is stronger after months of at home therapy and respiratory treatments from overcoming aspergillosis late last fall. She also had to undergo hormone implants x2 to stop her from laying for a while since she was laying eggs without shells and her body just couldn’t take it and we were very worried about infection. Her most recent issue is now bumblefoot. She has the cleanest environment free of debris and has been living inside since birth due to her issues. I did the Epsom salt soaks and wrapping it daily (she’s a very good patient). I got the hard nasty puss out and it has since healed with no signs of infection. Problem is, her foot is still so swollen. It was improving for a while but now it look more swollen again. Is this normal? It’s been about 4 weeks since a treated her foot and cleaned it out. She’s happy and her appetite is great but I’m worried. And here I’ve avoided having human children because I think they’re too much work. 😂
Pretreatment bumblefoot

The second image is 3 weeks post treatment.
The square shape you can see in the second pic is from the foam dressing for padding.
She still has it. On her left toe and before and after the pinhole. Its not bad. Can you get some SMZ/TMP. Its generic for Bactrim in a liquid suspension. It works great on bumblefoot, if you can get it. My Avian vet prescribes it for me. If you can't just keep an eye on it, she may be able to overcome the staff that's left. Its an oral solution that tastes bad and stains pink so wear an apron. If you need specific strength let me know and ill send you a picture.

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