Help with protection from raccoons

Debby Duck

Jul 5, 2020
South Florida
I'd like to get some ideas on how I can protect my white crested ducks once we release them to our lake out back. When we got them we had no idea that raccoons were a threat to ducks. And we planned on raising them but then having them live wild and roam free for all to enjoy. Now my plan has come crashing down around me. These sweet little creatures are beloved pets to me now and I'd be devastated if I lost one.

I can't have a coop. But is there something small for nights I can use? I'm pretty sure they will stay close by. Especially if I'm still giving them food and treats. What about bright motion sensor lights? Do those things work?

I appreciate any and all thoughts on the subject.
They need a secure pen nonetheless to be in during the nighttime hours or pretty soon there will be no ducks to speak of. Letting them range free range at night without protection is being remiss.

A light is not going to deter a hungry raccoon looking for a meal.
Whatever you do do not try to feed the raccoons hoping they'll leave your duckies alone! I lost a few ducks when I first started keeping them 10 years ago. It is impossible unless they are corralled in a decently large area with electric wire at the top and barrier at the bottom. It isn't hard if you know someone who has the tiney-est knowledge of wiring. Coons, opossum and skunks will climb any kind of wire unless it is electrified at the top. Coons and opossum will climb trees and jump in so branches can't hang over the fence. - on either side. Anything they can grasp to walk over the electric will be used. Including an adjacent roof. The wiring is normally hooked to a fence charger - so easy to do. If not near electrical source, get one that is solar. Spending a bit of money up front will be worth it if it saves you heartache later. Good luck and enjoy your ducks. I love my ducks.


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Thank you for the input everyone. Well it looks like we're going to be building some kind of coop that hopefully will be discreet.
I guess we didn't think this through very well. I just went by the fact that someone introduced these ducks to the lake where we used to live. And we assumed we could do the same here.
It'll be heartbreaking to re-home them. So we're giving it a try.

Now, is hardware cloth predetor proof? We'd use a metal roof or wood. We can't build a fence with electric wiring. We don't have that much room. We plan on having it up against the house under our bedroom window.
It’s one thing to defy an HOA to keep food sources on your own property during a pandemic, but raising ducks in a community where (at least some) neighbors specifically don’t want poultry, and then releasing them on the HOA surrounded lake is a stretch even for this rebel girl. I don’t think many of your neighbors will appreciate it. And your ducks will bring in predators, which is exactly why most HOA boards vote against poultry.
I’m an HOA rebel, and my board is aware of it. I spoke to all of my nearby neighbors first. But if someone in our lake community did what you’d planned to do, I would be livid.

I understand loving ducks, believe me, but releasing them is going to harm any further efforts to allow poultry in the CC&Rs. It’s more ammunition for the argument against.

Additionally, the ducks won’t survive long. Here in the PNW, the reduced human traffic has allowed even shy predators (like cougars) to come down into suburban yards, expanding their shrunken hunting territories. Your ducks are domesticated and not setup with the proper instincts to avoid predators.
It’s one thing to defy an HOA to keep food sources on your own property during a pandemic, but raising ducks in a community where (at least some) neighbors specifically don’t want poultry, and then releasing them on the HOA surrounded lake is a stretch even for this rebel girl. I don’t think many of your neighbors will appreciate it. And your ducks will bring in predators, which is exactly why most HOA boards vote against poultry.
I’m an HOA rebel, and my board is aware of it. I spoke to all of my nearby neighbors first. But if someone in our lake community did what you’d planned to do, I would be livid.

I understand loving ducks, believe me, but releasing them is going to harm any further efforts to allow poultry in the CC&Rs. It’s more ammunition for the argument against.

Additionally, the ducks won’t survive long. Here in the PNW, the reduced human traffic has allowed even shy predators (like cougars) to come down into suburban yards, expanding their shrunken hunting territories. Your ducks are domesticated and not setup with the proper instincts to avoid predators.

Honestly, you make some good points that didn't occur to me. Especially about predators. Regarding the HOA, they really don't have a rule against poultry. I just remember a few of the older members told me once they discourage ducks. Usually people in this area do so because they don't like ducks pooping on sidewalks etc. But we don't have that issue here. I remember these ducks never wandered from the water where we used to live. The muscovy and mallards are what we normally get down here. And it's the muscovy that wanders everywhere usually getting on someone's bad side. In fact the muscovy gets a really bad rap down here for that reason. As far as attracting predators, I never considered that. I guess I should have.

I guess I'm expecting people on the lake to react the same as they did in the other community. We all loved those ducks. When the 2nd batch appeared one morning, everyone poured out of their houses, following them. It was like a celebration. They're so pretty and unusual for our area everyone marvels over them. I suppose I was counting on that and my only problem would be getting through the duckling stage. Then once they saw them on the lake they'd love them too. We do have a few ducks on the lake usually, they come and go. It's kind of hard to find a lake in South FL without them. If they really ended up not wanting these they'd make me remove them. I figured that would be unlikely tho.

But now I guess I'm at a crossroads on what to do. I could make a small coop for my patio or I have to find them a home 😥.

I realize my original plan is out of the question.

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