Help with sex of Ameraucanas 2 of them Please??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 22, 2009
york sc
Bought these from a local person

said they were pullets but my wife says they both are Roos....but i say comb on both are too pinkish to be Roos(neither of them are really red to me..except in 1 pic looks redder than it really is) and neither crow or try to mate with the 2 other pullets i have in same pen with them.

no clue of their age but to me they are beautiful birds either way really

excuse the bad pics please...and the cloudy looking eye on one of them isnt really a cloudy eye something to do with shadows and my flash and sun at the time of shot.

so please help

thank you






aw don't feel so bad, my hubby was at a flea market once and bought me 5 pretty black hens, but after they all started crowing he realized he had been dooped!
Don't feel too bad.
There are a lot of members in the "I thought I had Ameraucana and got croosbreeds instead" and "I thought I had hens" clubs.
You are far from being the only one.
Look on the bright side, you got to join two clubs today.
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How can you tell they are roo's? the EE's are hard to tell (for me)
I have 14 but they are all chicks and none of them are crowing yet.

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