Help with sex of Ameraucanas 2 of them Please??

Don't feel too bad.
There are a lot of members in the "I thought I had Ameraucana and got croosbreeds instead" and "I thought I had hens" clubs.
You are far from being the only one.
Look on the bright side, you got to join two clubs today.

But i didnt wanna Join those 2 Clubs yet

ah well at least i hope their offspring look as good then ill be happy

thanks for all the info folks

and make room in those 2 clubs im on the heavy side so need bit more room
Don't feel bad my 11 yo wanted to buy a hen with his own money at a sale, came to get me when he found one, turns out the guy was trying to sell him a roo saying it was a hen. I caught the guy in his lie by pointing out all the saddle feathers before he even took it out of the cage and he gave my son back his money. Sad how people take advantage of folks like that, they should be educating them on the difference instead.

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