Help with sexing 4 week old Ameraucana and RIR chicks


11 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Can anyone help with the possible sex of these chicks. I got them at the feed store and of course they are all to be hens. This first one runs around like crazy while the rest are pretty calm.

Ameraucana #1

Ameraucana #2

RIR #3

RIR #4

Please Please be all hens :)
While a bit early to be making a decent guess, my first glance reaction is
Easter Egger cockerel
Easter Egger pullet
Pullet - not RIR, possibly Production Red
Pullet - not RIR, possibly Production Red
How do you determine between a production red and a RIR? They were sold as RIR

Well, to be perfectly honest, the first clue is the source - hatchery sourced birds are often misrepresented and Ameraucana (the Easter Eggers you got) and RIR are two of the breeds where this is most common. The red birds are not showing characteristics in their plumage that a good, heritage/show quality bred RIR would show. PR are a RIR based bird, but they are not bred to true RIR standards and often have other breeds mixed in to increase their overall production.
The good news is that in both cases, these misrepresented birds are actually typically much better in the overall production department than either of their "true" counterparts would be - so if what you are looking for is some nice hens that will fill your egg basket the issue of their breeding is not such an issue after all. If, though, you are looking to exhibit or want to keep/breed "true" birds, it is better to source your birds from a breeder who is producing the type of bird you want in a given breed.
My first thought was that the first EE was a cockerel but but there isn't any red showing, still yellow. Not sure at what age they will develop the color which is a good indicator of sex

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