Help with Svart Hona Genetics

You created a sex linked cross, the chick that died was a rooster that was Fm/fm+ Id/id+(Dominant Sex linked Dermal Inhibitor Id from Dame and recessive sex linked dermal enhancer id+ from Svart rooster)

And while id+ vs Id cant be used reliably as sex links on regular chickens, it becomes about the most potent and powerful sexlink combination with used with a Homozygous Melanotic rooster(black skin) over white/yellow skin hens, so powerful to the point that you can sex them the moment the hatch(Autosexing and sexlinks chicks would need to be fully dried to make the sexing, but on this cross you can sex them just by looking at their skin, cockerels will have clear/white/yellow skin and Pullets will have it dark/black)

Yes, I've found this to be true. All light-legged chicks from these outcrosses have been male. A very fancy sex-link.
Yes, I've found this to be true. All light-legged chicks from these outcrosses have been male. A very fancy sex-link.
I found about that many years ago when I tried to create a Fibromelanotic line of Leghorns, the idea was to create a Male line of Fibromelanotic White Leghorns, that when crossed to regular White Leghorns the resulting cross would yield 100% sexable chicks at hatch(no waiting for the down to be dried) and if possible before hatch if technology allowed it(hatching chicken embryos without eggshells in the future to eliminate the need to sacrifice day old male chicks. because early stage female embryos would be kept for hatching and early stage male embryos would be recycled)
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