

Apr 2, 2016
My chickens are getting sick Ruffled, unkept feathers, falling over/ wobble...they still are eating and drinking some
My chickens are getting sick Ruffled, unkept feathers, falling over/ wobble...they still are eating and drinking some

Welcome to BYC - sorry your birds are not doing well. We will need a little more information to start trying to help you. How old are the birds in question? How long have they been showing these symptoms? Is there any discharge noted around the eyes, beak, vent - and, if so, what is the color, consistency or smell of that discharge? What is the color/consistency of the waste they are expelling? Have you recently added or removed birds from the flock?
They are about three weeks old. One has had symptoms for a week others are just now showing symptoms. Waste is brown with some white fairly firm. No noticeable discharge. We added chicks about a week ago but after a few hours decided to separate them. The one chick that is pretty I'll seemed to be less active before they arrived. I started Corid Wednesday night thinking that would help but haven't noticed any changes
Hi and welcome to BYC. I agree with DD that posting on the forum mentioned may get you more responses.

Good luck


Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to join the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC. So sorry for you difficulties. I hope it's nothing serious. :fl

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