
Can anyone help me tell if my chicks are pullets or cockerels?

Welcome to BYC!
We will gladly help you sort out hte genders of your birds - but will need to see photos of them to do so. Post good, clear photos and include the age of each bird so that we can give you the best feedback possible.
Someone told me you can tell by the feather growth, so here are pics of wing feathers, they are 3 days old, I know it's really early but I'm dying to know
Wing feather sexing is only accurate in the case of careful genetic selection - crosses between fast feathering male birds and slow feathering female birds result in sex linked offspring where the chicks inherit the feathering rate of the opposite sex parent - and the "reading" of the feathers must occur in the first three days of life.

Your chicks appear quite young. Unless they are of one of the auto-sexing pure breeds or a sex linked hybrid, it will be 4-6 weeks before gender can begin to be differentiated.
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What breeds are they? Sometimes you can tell the gender by their how they act but that is not always accurate as chickens have different personalities. As they grow you can watch and listen to them to see if any behavior points to them being a cock or hen. I have had some roosters that started making weird calls that said "I found food! I found food!" at one week old. Others have been quiet and calm until one day where they shed their fake, female identities and start crowing. If you NEEEEEED to be sure of gender than I would suggest getting Golden Sex-Links. They are big beautiful birds and are great egg layers. The pullet chicks are red and the cockerels are yellow.

And welcome to BYC! I am happy to help in any way that I can. Good luck with your chicks!


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