Hen acting like a human baby.


5 Years
Dec 9, 2016
Does anyone else have a hen like this, or is mine just an overly spoiled weirdo? :p One of the hens sometimes starts doing her alarm call when startled by something and the only thing that calms her down, other than treats, but if I did that every time she'd be as big as the house, is me literally picking her up and cradling her like a baby and rocking her to sleep in my arms, and she'd squawk again if I didn't cradle her long enough... She goes from quiet and seemingly sleeping, to making a fuss again if I stop rocking her too soon, such as when focusing on a conversation, even if she is still on her back in my arms and quickly settles down again when I resume the rocking.

It is both adorable, and also a tad annoying. :lau She is like a baby with feathers...
That is so adorable! I wish I had a chicken like yours.

She is adorable, though also rather demanding. :p Makes my dad laugh as he sees me walking around while cradling a chicken in my arms as if she's an infant.

Yep, that hen has trained you quite well!

They all do. :lau The roos have mastered the puppy dog eyes for treats, and the hens call me whenever they are in "trouble"... Like not being able to figure out how to get back out from behind the slide or suddenly finding out they have a fear of heights or something while perched on a fence. Or because their favourite parts of their scratch had all been eaten or they knocked the water over... Yup, I am trained quite well by my fluffy overlords. XP

Edit: I do draw the line at brooding though, if I let them do that every time, I think they'd fill up the entire town within a few months. :p
VIDEO!!! We need video!!!
Yes!!! Show me how they train themselves!!

An old vid of her as I haven't got one recent of her being a baby, but here she is as an actual baby falling asleep in my arms. :)
And a pic. :p

And here is the cockerel, Peep-Peep, enjoying a good fuss.

And a pic of his dad, Rooroo, being a total marshmallow.
Babby Roo.png
Your birds are very lucky, and they have you well trained.

Yup! They have you very well trained in chicken massage!!! :lau
I'm surprised they haven't started demanding peeled grapes & pedicures

I have become a master chicken massager. :p They practically melt on me while I fuss em'.

They do demand whatever I am eating though... :lau I walk out eating an apple and they surround me like compies from Jurassic Park, and then zoom after the core when I throw it over them as a treat. And one time they invaded the living room while I was eating dinner, as dad left the door open, I had to pin two with my legs so they wouldn't steal my food!

... They still got some from me giving it them while they were pinned.

Peep-Peep and the hens when they were little squeakers getting treats. :p

Also a mini quail egg breakfast.

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