
  1. Jim Q

    We LOVE our new Coop and Run (and so do our chickens)

    Eleven years ago I downloaded plans for a chicken coop from BYC but alas, our timing and location just weren't right. After moving to a nice property along the Gulf Coast of Alabama we finally got enough time and space so we built a coop and got our cute baby chicks in February. All I can say...
  2. MamaBirds_Quail

    I’ve created a monster… meet Possum

    Possum had a LOT of trouble hatching and I was really sure he wouldnt survive the night. He was limp, weak, quiet, it was bad! He ended up getting a lot of extra snuggle time with me checking on him; the first time he fell asleep belly up I was like “aww look! So tired he couldn’t even right...
  3. Avril.jpg


  4. Joyfillednomads

    Egg Production Way Low

    Our hens are on strike since we cooped them up. We have had issues with predators and can't let them run willy nilly and completely free range. The egg production has dramatically decreased. And we expected decrease due to fall/winter, but we have supplements and scraps and all sorts of treats...
  5. Bettyboop7499

    OMGoodness..WHAT IS THIS!

    I washed of some August eggs which are also the first of my eggs and I noticed this one was floating...I believe it is important to educate myself as much as possible so instead of just tossing I opened to see what the "egg" looked like. I noticed I could hear or feel jiggling when I shook the...
  6. Willberta loveee

    Will she get along with another duck

    I introduced willberta to a stuffed animal so she can cuddle with when she goes into her house for night time.. she didn’t like it I was holding it and she was hissing at it and flared her feathers if that makes sense she didn’t want nothing to do with it she was even scared to waddle to me...
  7. BabySweetsTurkeys

    How my sub got stolen

    It was a very warm August day. The sun was shining, clouds looked like puffed cotton balls floating in the sky. And I had just gotten back from subway with my favorite sub. It was 1 in the afternoon, and I usually keep my turkeys in their coop during this time since it’s veggie time, but I...
  8. BabySweetsTurkeys

    Spoiled turkeys?

    I think they’re definitely spoiled, especially my female BabySweets! They’ll be turning 5 May 10!❤️
  9. Cayuga momma

    Siblings Rivalry, lmao!!!!!

    What happens when you get new chicks (So cute) And your 7 week old gets jealous (lol)
  10. Linzocon

    Marty and Rizzo need a new flock!

    Crazy Chicken Ladies Only! Someone who will spoil and take good care of them. My babies are NOT for supper. Just lovins! I have 2 BEAUTIFUL Light Brahmas that turn 3 this month. Rizzo and Marty. Both are still laying and heathly. I had a small flock of 4,(originally 5. 1 was a Roo we rehomed)...
  11. Ducktown

    Spoiled ducks! Rejecting duck feed, demanding corn...

    I have free roaming gang of 5 ducks. I was feeding them duck feed, but then, I stopped completely, because they only nibbled a few times and then my dogs ate it. For some reason, dogs love the stuff - even whole corn kernels and grain! Well, after I stopped giving them their duck feed, they...
  12. MageofMist

    Hen acting like a human baby.

    Does anyone else have a hen like this, or is mine just an overly spoiled weirdo? :p One of the hens sometimes starts doing her alarm call when startled by something and the only thing that calms her down, other than treats, but if I did that every time she'd be as big as the house, is me...
  13. msabney

    Are your ducks spoiled? Show 'em off!

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