Hen and chicks to main population


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Iron Station, NC
One of our hens hatched 4 chicks. I have built them an enclosure inside the coop to keep them all together even when she was sitting on them. How long should they be kept separated inside the coop. Momma is still taking care of them. They are only 1 week old. They have there own food and water in there enclosure.

How many chickens are in the main flock, what breed, are they penned or free ranged, and where is this hen's place in the pecking order? It really depends on those details. If they are free ranged, I would turn her and her babies loose now. If penned, I would wait until they're about 4 or so weeks when they can get away from the other adults better. Good luck, and beautiful pic!
"Littlest Red" is very close to the top of the pecking order if not the top. Free range depends on my day. If I am going to be around they will be turned out, if not they stay in the coop and run. We have 1 rooster, 6 mature hens, and 8 juveniles that just started laying. I have a mixed flock, the mature flock is Reds and Wyandottes.
Then I would say she's good to go! Maybe give them one more week to grow, just to be safe, then let those babies begin exploring with momma!
10-4. "Littlest" is acting like she is antsy to get out of there. Of course she might be trying to get away from the chicks...you know there she goes there they go.
A top of the pecking order hen's chicks will be safe in the flock in her care. If she can get in and out of her brooding spot easily let her get out for a bit. If she's a good mom she will keep pretty close to safety the first few outings and the chicks will quickly learn to run back to safety..

She might just want to go out for a little bit without her chicks.

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