Hen attacked by coyote still alive but has open wound on back


Crossing the Road
7 Years
May 8, 2017
NE Ohio
I have a hen who is about 5 years old that was attacked by a coyote and injured. It looks like it tried to grab her on her back it got a mouth full of feathers and ripped off a piece of skin about the size of a 50 cent piece in the middle of the back between her wings. She is not bleeding heavily and I don't see any puncture women. Going to clean it and then put bag balm on it but I don't want her picking at it. Should I cover it and put a wrap on it or should I leave it open? Also does anyone have any idea about how long it would take a wound this size to heal completely? I have her inside and a small dog cage separated from everyone else. She is walking fine I did not see any other injuries
Chickens are capable of surviving terrible wounds. If she is alive and breathing she has a very good chance of healing and thriving. Please post a picture of her wound. Start to treat for shock by keeping her in a safe, quiet place (the dog crate is good) and offer her some water with sugar. Make sure she can reach some food and water. I hope others will chime in. I am sure there is alot you can do for this poor girl.
Chickens are capable of surviving terrible wounds. If she is alive and breathing she has a very good chance of healing and thriving. Please post a picture of her wound. Start to treat for shock by keeping her in a safe, quiet place (the dog crate is good) and offer her some water with sugar. Make sure she can reach some food and water. I hope others will chime in. I am sure there is alot you can do for this poor girl.
Yes, this! Chickens can survive horrible wounds. BUT you need to be able to provide a clean environment where the rest of the flock can't reach her. Photos will allow for better advice if you want to try to heal the wound.
This wound took almost a month to heal. We kept her in 2 XL dog crates inside and kept the wound coated in triple antibiotic the entire time. Three times a day at first and gradually reduced it to once a day. We did not reintroduce her back into the flock until the wound was completely healed and then used a look but don't touch method of reintroduction for several weeks.
I have a hen who is about 5 years old that was attacked by a coyote and injured. It looks like it tried to grab her on her back it got a mouth full of feathers and ripped off a piece of skin about the size of a 50 cent piece in the middle of the back between her wings. She is not bleeding heavily and I don't see any puncture women. Going to clean it and then put bag balm on it but I don't want her picking at it. Should I cover it and put a wrap on it or should I leave it open? Also does anyone have any idea about how long it would take a wound this size to heal completely? I have her inside and a small dog cage separated from everyone else. She is walking fine I did not see any other injuries

Never mind. As I was washing the wounds I am able to see the meet underneath the skin and there's no way she can survive this.
Can you post photos of the wounds?
We put her down. The entire side and back of her body had no skin. I had a friend come over who was an experienced chicken keeper for many years and she agreed that there was way too much damage. Initially I thought it was just a section on her back the size of my hand but it was actually went from under her left wing all the way down her right side. Someone with more experience and skill might have been able to keep her alive but it was beyond me.

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