Hen clucking and bulking up her feathers at me, what does this mean?


6 Years
Oct 20, 2013
One of our hens out of 6 who is not the alpha female just started a new behavior. Starting two days ago she would cluck constantly and bulk up her feathers like she is trying to make herself look big. She usually does it when anyone is near her or sometimes even when no one is around. She isn't aggressive at all. I don't know what this new behavior means? We never hurt or act out toward them in any way. Any info is much appreciated, we just got our ladies a few months ago so raising chickens is new to us.
No she hasn't been sitting on her eggs when I go in to collect them. I forgot to mention that she will walk into the coop by herself while the other hens are free ranging the yard and she will hang out in there like she's being protective of something and do her clucking. I was thinking she might be trying to become alpha female too.

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