Hen crowing


6 Years
Aug 5, 2013
Washington State
I have 2 Barred Rock Hens I got from my daughter in with 2 Black Copper Marans. We had a very vocal Black Copper Maran that we kept separated and recently gave him away.
Any way one of the Barred Rock Hens (who has been a good layer) has started crowing in the AM. I saw her up on a stump the other morning crowing.
Has anyone else ever had a hen start crowing? This is new to me and seeing how all the hens seem to be molting right now and not laying I don't know if she will start again or not.
Just to cover the bases. You're sure she's laid an egg? Zero chance you have another male? I've heard stories of hens crowing and it's entirely possible. But from what I understand it's pretty rare.

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