Hen fell asleep in the nesting box!

She'd definitely having the same symptoms as your chickens.

Our coop is about 24 square feet and 4 feet in height. We have a larger dog crate, but i don't think it'll fit well inside. I'd also prefer not to use a dog crate, because we use them in the house and to be honest chickens can be very dirty.

Are there any other types of crates/cages used for broody chickens?

I was thinking about using a medium sized Tupperware container and placing wire over the top. It may seem too dark and "nest" like, so it may not help her at all.
Some large bird cages can be used. Other then that and the dog crate I would say you'd have to built a cage. There are many designs for diy wire cages on YouTube and Google. A quick search will get you every design imaginable.
Good luck breaking your broody.
She'd definitely having the same symptoms as your chickens.

Our coop is about 24 square feet and 4 feet in height. We have a larger dog crate, but i don't think it'll fit well inside. I'd also prefer not to use a dog crate, because we use them in the house and to be honest chickens can be very dirty.

Are there any other types of crates/cages used for broody chickens?

I was thinking about using a medium sized Tupperware container and placing wire over the top. It may seem too dark and "nest" like, so it may not help her at all.
Well, you can always wash/hose off the crate,
and/or get one just for the chickens.
As for the space, can't help you there...another reason for building a 'larger than you think you need' coop.
Tupperware won't likely work, needs to be mesh bottomed to cool off that belly.
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