Hen has a manky foot and limping [Scaley Leg Mites]

Blimey, that's a whole load of info!!

The current treatment (dog flea/tick shampoo followed by vaseline) seems to be doing the trick in removing the mite excrement. I'm very confident that the mites are gone - apparently this bird has had these manky legs for well over 3 weeks, and the second bird (we only have two) has not shown any signs whatsoever. In any case, we'll coat the second birds legs in vaseline as well.

Thanks for all this info guys. The situation is improving, although the bird is still limping on its left leg - hopefully once all the crap has gone she'll be back to normal!
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Her poor legs already look better. I'm sure it will take some time before they resemble "normal" legs. Then just a periodic rub with a bit of Vaseline or similar product, and she should be good to go. Those scaly leg mites take time to really get in there, so just dabbing every now and again should do the trick. You may not even need more medication after this.

Good luck, and once again GOOD SON!
Third Treatment

I looks like she's started pecking at her own feet, and pulled a few of the mite nodules off. We've also noticed that the other chicken is starting to peck at the ill one's foot, though whether that's because she's reached a new level of stupidity thinking there's foot on the other one's foot, or whether she's trying to help I have no idea!!

Latest image is below: most of the gunk has now gone, and new feather and scale growth is beginning to appear towards the top of her foot/leg, which is promising.

Again, many thanks to those who've responded!!

Tiiiim... You are doing a wonderful job! She is looking great. I do have a question though. Have you treated the rest of the flock she was with? Worming all the flock with ivermectin will kill external parasites as it's likely other birds in the flock have mites but not signs of it yet on the legs.

Again, Tiiiim, WONDERFUL job you are doing there! I really enjoy the updates with photos.

No problem - that's the plan!! I'll also update the title of this thread if I can to include 'Scaley Leg Mites' for those searching the problem.

The photos do gross me out though!!

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