Hen has her neck in


6 Years
Sep 15, 2013
Taunton, England
And she keeps looking like she wants to sleep? Is something wrong? She doesn't look in any discomfort. But it's quite out of the blue. She's been ok most of the day. They usually retire inside around now or within 15 minutes (it's 18.30 here) so is she just tired? Thanks
I have a Cochin who normally stays out late but some days she comes in up to 45 min early and settles down. She does this maybe 2-3 times a month for the last year.

I would keep an eye on her but she might just be tired and ready for bed but I would keep an eye on her and see how she is in the morning.
You have a sick hen who needs to be isolated from the flock. There is plenty of info on this site about sick hens. You might also think about posting in another one of the forums like emergency or one that deals with sick birds. Sorry I dont know everything and my best option would be to get her isolated.
Oh god. We have nowhere to isolate her to. Where they live is huge though and well ventilated. Is that ok? She's keeping well away from them naturally as it is.

I don't think this is going to produce the best outcome. This is dead depressing seeing as we've only had them 3 weeks
She's not necessarily sick. How old is she? Does she have any blood in her poop? Is she looking "puffed up"?

If she's young, she likely has coccidiosis. It's not necessary to remove her from the flock, but you will want to treat the whole flock. It's caused by a protozoan that overwhelms their bodies in high numbers. If left untreated, they will usually die within a couple of days. You can treat it with Corid, which is a thiamine blocker.
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She was around a year old when we got her. She puffs up every now and then but I think it's cos she's enjoying the first bit of Sun we've had in 5 days.

No blood. Just white and runny though I'm certain that only started today

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