Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

Almost 100 % certain that is rooster damage. I hope that you have removed the rooster from the flock. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound. Chickens readily heal from such injuries, but it is essential that the rooster be removed immediately. It may even prove necessary to remove the silky rooster until she heals.
Whats the best way to separate a chicken from the flock? I feel a bit guilty doing it, but I know it's for her own good. Is there like a kind of container that would help a bit? I don't want to completely separate her from the flock, I feel like that's a bit mean because she's not sick or contagious.
Whats the best way to separate a chicken from the flock? I feel a bit guilty doing it, but I know it's for her own good. Is there like a kind of container that would help a bit? I don't want to completely separate her from the flock, I feel like that's a bit mean because she's not sick or contagious.
I believe that sour meant remove the rooster. I would use a see but don't touch pen.
A plain old wire dog kennel would work fine to pull the ROOSTER out of the flock. I'd clean your hens wound and then squirt it with blu-kote (any color but red will be fine) to camouflage the injury so that the other chickens won't pick at the wound. The wound doesn't look fresh, so the sting of the antiseptic blu-kote shouldn't be too harsh for her.
We are currently putting him up for adoption, and I think we are going to keep the hens in the run and let the roosters wander. I'll give them a food and water source, of course. If I bandage the wound on Blue, would the other hens still peck at it? And if so, would it be a problem?
Yes, wrap her securely but not tightly. You can go under both wings and under her breast. The vet wrap sticks to it's self, that's what's nice about it. Pick a non-bright color, chickens will pick at it. It will be OK for tonight. I suggest getting something to irrigate with tomorrow if possible. Then do a wet to dry dressing. So wet 1 or 2 gauze pads lightly, not soaking wet( with saline only), then cover with more dry gauze, and wrap her with the vet wrap. It'll be awkward at first, you'll get the hang of it the more dressing changes you do. You should change her dressing daily and monitor the wound daily. The wound is not that deep, so I don't think you need antibiotics orally.
I've had a hen that had a similar wound. I cleaned it well, squirted it with blu-kote and called it a day. I didn't bother bandaging, and at that time I didn't know about neosporin, so didn't use it. Within a couple weeks the wound was pretty much scabbed over and well on its way to full recovery. And the rooster that injured her? I ate him.
The others will peck at her wound, so either separate her in a dog crate but keep her with them, or lightly cover the wound with a Tshirt or wrap. Keep applying the antibiotic ointment twice a day after cleaning the wound.

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